I have a Region 1 DVD that will not play in my Region 2 restricted Panasonic DVD Player. Is there any opensuse application that will conveniently enable me to copy the DVD, whilst converting it to my local Region 2?
I thought I might start by ripping the DVD in K3B, but it complains (“K3b uses transcode to rip Video DVDs. Please make sure it is installed.”), even though ‘transcode’ is installed. VLC plays the DVD without any issues.
post your repo list as you might have some packages from the oss repo, that repo does not have patented codecs, for full multimedia you need packman
zypper lr -d
regarding region conversion, it would be easier to get a region free player or remove the region restriction then convert a US to a European release as US uses 30 fps and Europe 25 fps, if your player supports mp4 or mkv video’s it might be better to convert them to mp4 as they are much smaller then dvd vob files.
for video conversion/editing you can try handbrake (you need packman repo)
why don’t you just google how to permanently remove the region restriction from your DVD player. It’s usually a very easy process done using the DVD remote controller.
Currently it is set to region 2 in the firmware and just needs to be changed to region 0
Yes, I did find a cheap ‘remote control’ option that appears to do this, but before purchasing I wondered if openSUSE had a simple solution, as it often does.
This codec is already installed
Yes, I see this mentioned in other forums but wasn’t sure if it can do the region conversion.
I can’t find any reference to using the remote supplied with the DVD player/recorder but I did find someone offering a small £12 remote solution, and I will go this route if there isn’t a simple openSUSE solution.
The DVD came from Amazon UK (but Region 1), as did the DVD player/recorder. I had thought regional restrictions was a thing of the past, but clearly not!
Coincidentally, there was a ‘transcode’ update last night, but I now just see a slightly different error message in K3b:-
“K3b uses transcode to rip Video DVDs. Your installation of transcode lacks support for any of the codecs supported by K3b.Please make sure it is installed properly.”
so it’s actually a BluRay player - recorder
These are generally hard or impossible to set to region free. There’s no unlock listing for it at videohelp.com
regarding multimedia on opensuse make sure all your multimedia packages come from packman
zypper dup --from 5
there is a difference between removing css lock ie ripping and converting the video to a different format like mp4 which your player might support, personally I’ve done that only once just to see how it’s done as every movie/tv show can be found on the internetz.
CSS ripping is usually fast but it involves burning the ripped content if you can manage to unlock your player that’s the way to go.
if you only want to remove the css and not convert to mp4 or mkv try K9Copy https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K9Copy
fortunetly for us openSUSE users packman has it http://packman.links2linux.org/package/k9copy
to install just do
but that would imply doing a 2 lossy compression’s on an already compressed data, if that’s a relatively new BR player it probably supports mp4 and/or mkv files with avc compressed video so just converting the region 2 DVD to mp4 with a crf factor 19 should be sufficient, if that player can play mp4 files from a DVD he can put 3-6 movies on a single DVD (depending on the compression used)
According to that players specs https://support.panasonic.co.nz/docstore/DMR-BWT720%20Operating%20Instructions.pdf
it has a 1TiB internal hdd and can play both mp4 and mkv files so the OP can use handbrake to convert the region 1 DVD to mp4 (or mkv) and just copy that file on the players internal drive and watch it without messing with css or burning disks.