Trying to find converter to convert HTML to PDF. Currently use a Windows utility and the speed is just not that great. The actual files to be converted reside on and openSUSE 12.2 server and we convert them on a Windows workstation running Apache. What is the best one that could be run on the server and called from the webserver? I’ve heard of wkhtmltopdf but can’t seem to get that installed or downloaded… Any suggestions would be appreciated. Not heavy on graphics (as in no pictures) other than lines on a typed page…
try wkhtmltopdf
see it’s homepage for faq/info can’t you get wkhtmltopdf?
ah man you’re running 12.2 and that’s been unsuported for a long time
you can build it yourself, as I think wkhtnmltopdf needs a particular Qt version
or maybe try the CentOS 5 version from here
the author wrote that his builds are static and should not depend on system libraries but…
another way,
open *.htm or *.html in Firefox
then from the menu bar select
- Print
– General (tab)
— Print to File (under Printer)
---- PDF (Output format: Button)
then type Name:
Save in folder:
then finally select Print
Thank you for the suggestion but it will be something that I need to automate as these documents will be getting created all day and no one will physically be sitting there and doing it…
I can’t even seem to download it from my openSUSE 13.2 server…
I know I need to get off of 12.2, it is my largest and most used production server…Even just for the security parts… My biggest problem is we use MySQL and with the later versions of the OS they are pushing/moving to Maria DB. That would create a whole new set of config changes etc…right?
there wore some issues with here’s a copy paste for 13.2
you need to add the Publishing repository and install wkhtmltopdf
sudo zypper ar
sudo zypper in wkhtmltopdf
that’s it
here’s a direct link to the srcrpm if you want to re-build it under 12.2
how to do it?
you’d need to have a lot of devel packages installed read the readme in the source
then install it as an ordinary user with rpm (not as root!)
rpm -i
then go to the RPMS folder in your home, go to the specs subfolder and execute
rpmbuild -bb wkhtmltopdf.spec
if everything went fine you’ll find an installable binary 12.2 rpm in the i686 or x64 subfolder.
for more info about rpmbuild try man rpmbuild or info rpmbuild
On Fri, 24 Jul 2015 15:26:02 +0000, jpeteet wrote:
> keellambert;2720778 Wrote:
>> another way,
>> open *.htm or *.html in Firefox
>> then from the menu bar select - Print – General (tab)
>> — Print to File (under Printer)
>> ---- PDF (Output format: Button)
>> then type Name:
>> Save in folder:
>> then finally select Print
> Thank you for the suggestion but it will be something that I need to
> automate as these documents will be getting created all day and no one
> will physically be sitting there and doing it…
A lot of the output depends on the rendering engine used - so results
will likely vary.
How much control do you have over the source documents that generate
these outputs?
Jim Henderson
openSUSE Forums Administrator
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Hi all
Today there are many converters that can help you to convert your html file to pdf. HTML2PDF is a HTML to PDF converter written in PHP4 and PHP5.
It allows the conversion of valid HTML 4.01 in PDF format, and is distributed under LGPL.I have come across many online sources that are very easy to use. Given below are some of them-