Connect x windows remote

I am not sure what to search for to find out how to do this task so I am just going to ask the question and hope I can be understood. I have a laptop computer running SUSE 12.1. I want to run the laptop as an X server to my desktop (also running SUSE 12.1) over my home network, or over an openvpn connection while I am away from home. What I would like to happen is on the laptop, a window opens that contains an x-terminal, which then shows the same kind of login box that I see when windows starts on my desktop console. Once I login, I am running the same way I run on the desktop console. That is, I see all my icons, taskbars, etc. Both systems run KDE as the GUI interface.

So my questions are:
What programs, packages, etc. do I need on my desktop?
What programs, packages, etc. do I need on my laptop?
What ports need to be open on my firewall?
What port mapping do I need on my router?
What documentation is available on the net?

Thank you for any help you can give.

One way is to connect to your desktop with:
ssh -X desktop-name-or-ip

Do that in a terminal on your laptop. Then any X application that you start on the command line of that ssh session will open its graphics window on the laptop.

My FF just crashes again, and I won’t rewrite my post this time, but take a look at these 2 articles:

Hmmm. Two wise penguins…
What about vnc? A solution is on the hand…

To bad It docent work with 12,2, -devolopers had set this to P-5… 12.1 still works…

On Fri, 14 Sep 2012 00:56:01 GMT, nrickert
<> wrote:

>One way is to connect to your desktop with:
>ssh -X desktop-name-or-ip
>Do that in a terminal on your laptop. Then any X application that you
>start on the command line of that ssh session will open its graphics
>window on the laptop.

That works great on the home network, i use it all the time.

As for using that from a rather more remote location i don’t know, openvpn
may be better. As for normal login screens, maybe freenx will do it. I
am soon to try it as a local solution myself (since ssh works well locally
already the priority is low),
