Connect to Internet

Wondering how to get linux to connect to internet through a router. When windows is installed it finds the internet, but when linux is installed or booted from Live CD it can’t.

bit more info needed.

1 ) wired or wireless connection ?
2 ) device name ?
3 ) version of opensuse ?
4 ) what have you tried to connect ?


moon8 wrote:
> Wondering how to get linux to connect to internet through a router. When
> windows is installed it finds the internet, but when linux is installed
> or booted from Live CD it can’t.

The router should be irrelevant. It is likely that Linux does not have a driver
for your network device. Please post the output of


It is wired connection through an older modem. When the router is by-passed Suse 11.1 does connect to the internet.

Might be gateway settings, Name Server or DHCP settings. For a wired connection through a router check this tutorial:
HowTo Configure a network card in Suse/openSUSE 10, 11 for LAN and Internet Access.

Would it help if I purchased and connected a LinkSys wired router instead? I think the model number for that one is BEFSX41

If the router works in windows it should work in Linux, regardless of whether it’s the one you have now or the Linksys you might buy. Is there something wrong with your current router?

The current router works with windows, but to get linux to find the internet/cable modem I have to by pass the router. Does linux have drivers for certain routers only?

moon8 wrote:
> The current router works with windows, but to get linux to find the
> internet/cable modem I have to by pass the router. Does linux have
> drivers for certain routers only?

Routers do not have drivers. There are some routers that do not conform to the
proper standards and cause the network driver to fail.

In my posting 2 days ago, I asked for information that you have not yet
provided. Why?

I don’t know where to get this information from. Linux or Windows? I use the Suse Gnome Live CD, but have erased windows one time with full linux, but still it can not find how to get through the router to reach the internet like Windows can when it is installed.

Just open a command window and enter the command


. Or read this, download the script, execute it and post the output on Then post the link to nopaste in this thread - and we have information about your network environment and most probably will be able to help you :wink: