Conflicts during updates

After I upgraded my system from 15.2 to 15.3 using zypper dup, and then zypper up all seemed fine except for some of the multi media files wouldn’t work. I expected this as I used only openSUSE repositories.

I used the instructions from the site

, I did it from the terminal so I could see what was happening. Again, all seemed well.

Today, I did zypper up to update whatever needed updating and got 33 file conflicts.

Checking for file conflicts: ............................................[error]
Detected 33 file conflicts:

File /usr/bin/aviocat
  from install of
     ffmpeg-4-4.4-pm153.2.6.x86_64 (packman)
  conflicts with file from package
     ffmpeg-3-3.4.8-pm153.5.4.x86_64 (@System)

File /usr/bin/cws2fws
  from install of
     ffmpeg-4-4.4-pm153.2.6.x86_64 (packman)
  conflicts with file from package
     ffmpeg-3-3.4.8-pm153.5.4.x86_64 (@System)

File /usr/bin/ffescape
  from install of
     ffmpeg-4-4.4-pm153.2.6.x86_64 (packman)
  conflicts with file from package
     ffmpeg-3-3.4.8-pm153.5.4.x86_64 (@System)

File /usr/bin/ffeval
  from install of
     ffmpeg-4-4.4-pm153.2.6.x86_64 (packman)
  conflicts with file from package
     ffmpeg-3-3.4.8-pm153.5.4.x86_64 (@System)

File /usr/bin/ffhash
  from install of
     ffmpeg-4-4.4-pm153.2.6.x86_64 (packman)
  conflicts with file from package
     ffmpeg-3-3.4.8-pm153.5.4.x86_64 (@System)

File /usr/bin/ffmpeg
  from install of
     ffmpeg-4-4.4-pm153.2.6.x86_64 (packman)
  conflicts with file from package
     ffmpeg-3-3.4.8-pm153.5.4.x86_64 (@System)

File /usr/bin/ffplay
  from install of
     ffmpeg-4-4.4-pm153.2.6.x86_64 (packman)
  conflicts with file from package
     ffmpeg-3-3.4.8-pm153.5.4.x86_64 (@System)

File /usr/bin/ffprobe
  from install of
     ffmpeg-4-4.4-pm153.2.6.x86_64 (packman)
  conflicts with file from package
     ffmpeg-3-3.4.8-pm153.5.4.x86_64 (@System)

File /usr/bin/fourcc2pixfmt
  from install of
     ffmpeg-4-4.4-pm153.2.6.x86_64 (packman)
  conflicts with file from package
     ffmpeg-3-3.4.8-pm153.5.4.x86_64 (@System)

This is an abbreviated list. All the errors pointed to ffmpeg.

My question is: Do I let zypper change my current version of ffmpeg or not.
If I don’t, zypper won’t update any of the other needed files. If I do, I won’t be able to play .avi, .mpg, or other multimedia files.

What to do?


Delete as root:

zypper rm ffmpeg-3

The ffmpeg-3 libs will not affected from that.

i would uninstall the " ffmpeg-3-3.4.8-pm153.5.4.x86_64" package using the full name

this should allow " zypper up " to finish with out the error

then set packman to a 80 priority and reinstall ffmpeg from the packman repo

That was easy! :slight_smile:

