Conflict updating Virtualbox

Today updating with ‘zypper dup’ I got this message, which I don’t know how to solve:

Problem: virtualbox-5.1.4-2.2.x86_64 needs virtualbox-host-kmp = 5.1.4, but it is not possible to fulfill this request
  deleted providers: virtualbox-host-kmp-default-5.1.4_k4.7.2_1-1.3.x86_64
cannot install these providers: virtualbox-host-kmp-default-5.1.4_k4.7.2_2-2.2.i586[]
 Solution 1: These actions will be performed:
  keep obsolete virtualbox-guest-kmp-default-5.1.4_k4.7.2_1-1.3.x86_64 
  keep obsolete virtualbox-host-kmp-default-5.1.4_k4.7.2_1-1.3.x86_64 
 Solution 2: These actions will be performed:
  uninstallation of virtualbox-5.1.4-1.3.x86_64
  uninstallation of virtualbox-host-kmp-default-5.1.4_k4.7.2_1-1.3.x86_64
 Solution 3: keep obsolete virtualbox-host-kmp-default-5.1.4_k4.7.2_1-1.3.x86_64 
 Solution 4: break virtualbox-5.1.4-2.2.x86_64 by ignoring some of its dependencies

Note that zypper messages have been hand translated from italian by me, so they may be different from the actual messages you see on your computer.

How do I solve this problem?
And why does it happen in the first place?

If I OTOH use ‘zypper up’ it seems no conflict is reported. But should I go that route?

Thank you in advance

This belongs in the Virtualization or perhaps Install sub-forum.

You appear to be trying to install a kernel module (kmp) that does not match the kernel version. This is most likely because you have the Tumbleweed and at least one alien repository,

# zypper -d -E

but could also b because your repository metadata is out of sync,

#  zypper ref

or you are connecting to a mirror that is out of sync
– wait a bit or choose another mirror.

zypper dup” — i.e. “* --distribution-upgrade *” is for changing from e.g. Leap to Tumbleweed and vice-versa. It will upgrade, downgrade and change repository as it thinks fit. It will swap Packman multimedia packages with openSuSE ones and add unwanted packages because they are part of a “pattern“.

zypper up” updates without changing repositories or downgrading packages. It is generally the best for security and “latest version” updates. It is not really quite that simple, but that is the general idea an works most of the time. Try e.g. “zypper up --help” and “zypper dup --help

Thank you eng-int for your reply.

I tried the ‘zypper -d -E’ command but got the reply:

cristiano@xmper8q3:~> zypper -d -E
Opzione sconosciuta '-d'
Opzione sconosciuta '-E'

Regarding the out-of-sync hypothesis, I refreshed various times and also waited more than 24 hours before posting here.

I think I’ll go with the ‘zypper up’ command (thank you for your explanation of the difference) although I found different and conflicting opinions on the best/correct way to update Tumbleweed.


Likely the command needed is:

zypper** lr **-d -E

Spiacente, e grazie, mio errore – I just can’t be trusted :frowning:

lol! no problem eng-int. And thank you OrsoBruno!

Here it is:

#  | Alias                               | Nome                                                | Abilitato | Controllo GPG | Aggiornamento | Priorità | Tipo   | URI                                                                            | Servizio
 1 | Insync                              | Insync                                              | Sì        | (r ) Sì       | Sì            |   99     | rpm-md |                                             |
 2 | | home:colomboem                                      | Sì        | (r ) Sì       | Sì            |  100     | rpm-md | |
 3 | | openSUSE:Tumbleweed                                 | Sì        | (r ) Sì       | Sì            |  100     | rpm-md |       |
 4 | packman                             | packman                                             | Sì        | (r ) Sì       | Sì            |   98     | rpm-md |            |
 5 | repo-debug                          | repo-debug                                          | Sì        | (r ) Sì       | Sì            |   99     | yast2  |                             |
 6 | repo-non-oss                        | repo-non-oss                                        | Sì        | (r ) Sì       | Sì            |   99     | yast2  |                           |
 7 | repo-oss                            | repo-oss                                            | Sì        | (r ) Sì       | Sì            |   99     | yast2  |                               |
 8 | repo-update                         | repo-update                                         | Sì        | (r ) Sì       | Sì            |   99     | rpm-md |                                |
 9 | telred-opensuse-leap                | TEL.RED software repository for OpenSUSE Linux leap | Sì        | (r ) Sì       | Sì            |   99     | rpm-md |                                            |
10 | vivaldi                             | vivaldi                                             | Sì        | ( p) Sì       | Sì            |   99     | rpm-md |                                     |
11 | vivaldi-beta                        | vivaldi-beta                                        | Sì        | ( p) Sì       | Sì            |   99     | rpm-md |                                     |

Choose this:

The old version (5.1.4-1.3) is not coinstallable with the new one (5.1.4-2.2).

I have no idea why there’s a conflict though, and the old version is not replaced automatically… :
Did you maybe add virtualbox to the multiversion providers in the zypp config?