configuring Syslog Server

I have installed open SuSE 11 and try to make it syslog server for keeping all logs of CISCO Device and view that logs as per requirement.
Kindly help me how can I do this.

Kumar Amit

On 05/05/2011 04:06 PM, kamitsri wrote:
> Hi,
> I have installed open SuSE 11 and try to make it syslog server for
> keeping all logs of CISCO Device

you are using SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES), right?

if you are not sure you can check using this in a terminal:

cat /etc/SuSE-release

and, if using SLES (or SLE Desktop) then you are welcome to seek advice
here, but BE ADVISED that many of the answers might be from folks who
have never run SLES (or maybe never even heard of it before) and you are
likely much better off if you seek assistance from the Novell forums,

[openSUSE11.3 + KDE4.5.5 + Firefox3.6.17 + Thunderbird3.1.10 via NNTP]
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