I’d like to configure Samba 4 on my Linux box to act as an AD DC for my NAS (QNAP TS-451+). So far, the NAS does not find the domain controller.
Is there a good step-by-step guide on how to setup Samba 4 as a domain controller on openSUSE? Especially, because there is no samba-tool available on openSUSE.
That issue applies only for DCs to replicate data between themselves.
Is not relevant if you are setting up a single DC.
So, the critical question seems to be whether you’re setting up this SAMBA to be added to an existing AD or whether you’re setting up new. IIRC a long time ago “samba-tools” was deprecated for unknown reasons (at least to me). You’ll find other threads in these openSUSE forums (search the Install and Application forums as well) where this is discussed, awhile back I found an alternative free tool which had fallen into neglect but might be revivable.