configure 'start' button shortcut (gecko thumbnail) KDE

as I was configuring shortcuts in my KDE I’ve not found shortcut for ‘start’ (search) button (main bottom panel at very left with gecko thumbnail), so I enter shortcut and that search and that window with search box & all the other stuff (favorites, applications…) would apper - so same as I clicked on that gecko ‘start’ button

Right-click on the ‘start’ button and select “Configure ‘K-menu’”.
You can set/modify the keyboard shortcut there.

and another intersting thing I noticed is : I’m working on 2 desktops and when I restart firefox it restarted firefox but all tabs from both desktops restart in one desktop = in one firefox. And my last point when I’ve 2 desktops opened when I restart PC will both desktop restart with all the applications & documents (and I also want firefox to open in the same stat on both desktop not just on one)

when I right clicked on that button I’ve it under : Application launcehr settings -> Keyboard shortcut

Well, I’m running KDE in german, and it’s “Einstellungen für ‘K-Menü’” here.
But you found it, no? :wink:

found it thanks, but right now I’m little confused bout movin apps between desktops - I right click on the icon fo that runnin app-> move to desktop -> desktop x, but it won’t move there and how to find what desktop I’m currently on? I mean when i’m switchin some window could appear desktop x and after few seconds it should dissapear. And what’s the difference between virtual and ’ real’ desktop. Cause I’ve two virtual desktops but it seems to on one real desktop i.e. on the bottom panel when I hover over desktop 1 - runnin apps appear, but on dekstop 2 nothin.

And what does this have to do with the title of this thread? (configure ‘start’ button shortcut (gecko thumbnail) KDE)
Better start a new one for this problem.

And I don’t even understand what you mean with “the difference between virtual and ’ real’ desktop”. What is a “virtual” desktop for you, and what is a “real” desktop for you?
The desktop you’re currently on should be highlighted in the desktop switcher plasmoid.

Moving windows between desktops works fine here btw.

it’s similar, I was configuring shortcuts and the questions just ‘flows’ virtual desktop means under plasma ( the bottom panel) it’s appearing as 1 ‘real’ dekstop, but actually there are 2 virtual desktops in one, and the 2nd ‘real’ dekstop is empty

I still don’t understand what you are talking about. Can you maybe post a screenshot to clarify?

Yes, the default is to have two virtual desktops, both should be shown in the desktop switcher in the bottom panel.
As long as you do not open any windows on the second one, it will be empty of course.
Just click on it to switch to it. Newly run applications now should open their windows on the second desktop.

But what does “there are 2 virtual desktops in one” mean? And what’s the “2nd ‘real’ desktop” that’s empty (I suppose that’s the second desktop that the desktop switcher shows, i.e. the 2nd virtual desktop)? :\

Hm, after re-reading your first post about this, it sounds that on login all applications open on the 1st virtual desktop instead of the one they were when you logged out. Is that what you mean?
That would sound like a bug, maybe in the corresponding application. Firefox is no KDE application and doesn’t really support KDE’s session management, so this might cause it. You maybe could work around that by using “window rules”.

But I still don’t get the relation to the “start” menu button or its shortcut… How is this “similar”? :wink:

I mean in one switcher(one small window in Kpanel) there are 2 virtual desktops, while the another siwtcher(that window under the 1st swithcher ) = another desktop is empty. And that thing bout firefox can only happen to non-KDE applications? I find window rules but don’t know what how to configure it. And what could be the problem that I can’t move runnin app to another desktop? Do I’ve to open it in another ‘real’ desktop

There is only one switcher, and it should show two virtual desktops by default.
And there are no windows in the panel (kpanel is a KDE3 program and doesn’t exist any more).

What you probably mean are two windows in the first virtual desktop, and a second virtual desktop with no windows.
The desktop switcher does show symbols of windows that are open on a desktop and allows you to move them to a different virtual desktop as well (via dragging them).

And that thing bout firefox can only happen to non-KDE applications?

I didn’t say that.
But it might be possible that it doesn’t work for certain non-KDE applications.
For KDE applications it should work, because KDE takes care of that.

I find window rules but don’t know what how to configure it.

Right-click on a windows titlebar and choose “More Actions”->“Special Settings for this window/application” (or similar).
You can force the window to always open on a specific desktop in the “Size & Position” tab.

And what could be the problem that I can’t move runnin app to another desktop?

You should be able to move a running application to another desktop.
How are you trying to do it?
Right-click on the window’s titlebar and choose “Move to Desktop”->Desktop X.
Or right-click on the entry in the taskmanager and choose “Move to Desktop”->Desktop X.
Or drag it to another desktop in the desktop switcher.
Or enable “Edge for Desktop Change” in Configure Desktop->Workspace Behavior->Screen Edges. Then you can move it to a different desktop by grapping it at the titlebar (like you normally move windows) and drag it outside the visible screen, i.e. to the screen edge and further.

Do I’ve to open it in another ‘real’ desktop

You only have one ‘real’ desktop.
But if you run an application in another ‘virtual’ desktop, it should open its window there, as I said already.

actually, after reboot both 2 virtual desktops restarts just fine and also non KDE apps start in both desktops in the state of they’re before restart, seems that was just firefox bug. But that moving app to another desktop seems little odd still.