Configure logitech keyboard "mx keys" on linux

Wish to modify keyboard setting on linux. Logitech app to do this only is available on windows or mac.
A linux alternative “solaar” does not give ability to change individual keys so does not do what I want.

Two questions:
This is dual boot with windows 10. If I make the keyboard changes in windows then boot linux, will the changes remain or will linux revert them to old values and I am where I was?

As alternative, I have tried getting logitech options windows app to install through wine but it does not even start. Anyone have logitech options app running in wine?

thanks for any insights. tom kosvic

A long time ago, we bought the Logitech K350 keyboard / M510 mouse combo. My memory is not that great anymore (3 years retired after 30 software engineer years :slight_smile: ).

I remember we used Solaar, and I think maybe used “logiops”. It’s been a while. I’ll boot the Leap desktop and check.

Long ago, we switched to a Matias Ergo-Pro split keyboard, which is KVM’ed between the Leap 15.6 desktop and a Thinkpad Win10 laptop. We still use the M510 mouse, which is also KVM’ed (using a Dell 38" curved monitor).

I doubt keyboard changes in Win will be retained when booting to Leap. But hey, why not give it a try on your own, then report back. :+1:

EDIT: although a while ago, might check this link:

I did try to compile logiops but leap compiler is not sufficiently up to date to compile. Problem is logiops needs C++20 compiler that is not available in leap. Likely could do it in tumbleweed.

I was going to try config of keyboard in windows when I get opportunity but I only start windows once a month or so to do an update. I have nothing that I now run in windows. I thought someone might know so I didn’t have to go through it.

I, too, think linux keyboard drivers will remove any settings made in windows.

I am also senior computer buff. Started in basic in about 1960 or so. Not my vocation any more; more of an addiction.

thanks for comments. tom kosvic

The Logitech MX Keys has no memory, so it’s software dependent.
Last time I checked, Solaar was providing more features than the Logitech software.

I was, more or less thinking, that perhaps keyboard has some configuration files that might get setup in windows and be used also under linux.

Probably just displaying might lack knowledge of basic computer hardware operation.

Well, I think a test is in order.

thanks, tom kosvic

Made my adventure into windoze-land. solaar is better than logi-opts by logitech. Can’t hardly find the settings pages amongst the sales pages. solaar does have more settings. I set nothing in windows.

One thing though, the numerical keypad side of the keyboard does work on windows. Note the key labeled “clear | locksign-1” turns it on/off. But it does type numbers.

Numerical key pad side of the keyboard does not work at all in linux.

The numeric keypad works the same way in Linux. If you are using KDE Plasma you can set Num Lock as always on in system configurations.

I am using mate desktop and keypad does not do anything even after punching (or holding for 5+ seconds) the “numlock” key.

I also tried numerical keypad in various vm’s that I have which also use mate including roxy, arch, and linux mint unsuccessfully.

I will try in KDE that I have available in leap 15.6. That would make it a mate problem that the numerical keypad does not work.

Will report result back to this thread.

thanks, tom kosvic

I did not have KDE Plasma desktop available but I did have gnome. I logged into gnome. The keypad keys did work in gnome.
So, the problem I am chasing is apparently a mate problem; not system/logitech problem. I have mate in all the vms I tried numerical keypad which did not work.

I appreciate your comment to help me get this going in the right direction.

thanks, tom kosvic

Solved: Logitech mx keys numeric keypad now works in mate desktop.

Click on the Main Menu → Preferences → Keyboard. In the Mouse Keys tab of Keyboard check that “Pointer can be controlled using the keypad” is disabled.

Now works fine.

thanks tom kosvic

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