I tried installing docky but I can’t activate my composite to do so…I tried cairo and I got the big black box behind it. I have an amd x1900 graphics card for my laptop and I saw I need flgxr(I probably missed that but it’s entered correctly in my system). I added the new driver and checked xorg and everything looks correct but still black box issue. Any other steps I can take to fix it?
Application issue
Installed Chromimum but can’t open it unless i’m root. It keeps saying something about singleton loc, I tried deleting it but the system keeps saying file not found.
Can someone point me towards the solution?
Please, please, take the trouble to ask for help for one problem in a thread only. The whole discussion will be a mess and at the end nobody will uinderstand what is an answer to what.
And when you start two threads then it is also much easier to make usefull Titles for them. At least the words X configuratio for the one and Chromium for the other would have told potential helpers that it is worth looking at your threads. After all you want to draw attention to your problem, don’t you?
of course I would like help, I thought one thread was better, didn’t want to clutter up the board. I apologize.
Can you allow me to edit this thread since the chromium problem has been resolved or perhaps delete it and I will repost the single problem? Whichever is most efficient and practical.
No need to appoligize. We only want that you understand how it functions. People look through the titles to see if it is something they know something about. If the title is not telliing enough, it will just be skipped
I’m guessing i’m missing either xgl or aiglx, I tried looking in the software repos with yast but couldn’t find them. I am a bit worried b/c i believe aiglx said remove fglx then reboot and last time I did that I lost my gnome and could only login via command line with no desktop environment.
Is there a simple way for me to install either xgl or aiglx so I can start composite?
Turn on metacity’s compositing for Docky:
Open the GNOME Configuration Editor; press Alt-F2 to open the Run Application dialog and type gconf-editor. Click Run. Navigate to Apps->metacity->general. Check the compositing_manager box, and Metacity will immediately restart with compositing!