compiz+max windows

Hallo all…I have installed ati drivers successfully and I run compiz effects on an opensuse 11.1 with kde 4.1.3…the problem is that dolphin (always) and firefox (sometimes) are opened in fullscreen…this happens only with compiz enabled…Is there any way to bypass this problem??
And one more question…is there anybody having issues with the cpu temperature and the new version of opensuse?
Mine is always around 58-60 C with system almost idle and with firefox working arrives at 70 (fans are clean)…
Thanks eneryone…(and sorry for my bad english…)

Yes on some pc the temperature is shown incorectly. just get in to bios and compare the temperatures from bios with the one from opensuse.

Hi there, tekos.
I would recommend the following for your first issue: Disable all Compiz effects in the appropriate menue. Reboot. Now when you’ve restartet your system, set all your Compiz effects with one thought in mind: Try to avoid conflicts between the effects.

That being said, try it again and tell us the output. Compiz should tell you when setting up if effects are compatible to each other or not.

Good luck.

Thanks for the replies …I’ll try it and I’ll let you know…

Resolved…It wasn’t really a conflict problem but an option at Workarounds utility…It was checked legacy fullscreen support and caused that problem…One thing,I didn’t have to reboot the machine,I just reload the window manager everytime I was enabling something…
Thanks for your help Mask…