
it’s been a long time since i compiled. i have downloaded camstream as a .tar.gz since i couldn’t find it as a one click or in a repo, i saved it, extracted it and went into terminal window and cd /home/…/camstream


at the end it returned this
checking if Qt is multi-threaded… no
Qt is not multithreaded (or its name is wrong). You MUST have a multithreaded
version of the Qt library installed or CamStream will simply not compile.

i then tried make. it said command not found. i have checked, gcc and gcc-++ is installed.

hmmm, such a newbie question! it’s just been so long since i had to compile!!!

thanks guys

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Does the app you are using come with install instructions? Does the
manufacturer state it should work on SUSE-based distros of Linux?
Compiling, at its core on most Linux systems, is done with 'gcc.
‘configure’ and ‘make’ just facilitate this process but in theory
neither is necessary at all so if the standard ./configure && make && make install didn’t work for you I would recommend asking the
developers of the software (the manufacturer) what should be done to
build it properly.

Good luck.

thestig wrote:
> it’s been a long time since i compiled. i have downloaded camstream as a
> .tar.gz since i couldn’t find it as a one click or in a repo, i saved
> it, extracted it and went into terminal window and cd
> /home/…/camstream
> ./configure
> at the end it returned this
> checking if Qt is multi-threaded… no
> Qt is not multithreaded (or its name is wrong). You MUST have a
> multithreaded
> version of the Qt library installed or CamStream will simply not
> compile.
> i then tried make. it said command not found. i have checked, gcc and
> gcc-++ is installed.
> hmmm, such a newbie question! it’s just been so long since i had to
> compile!!!
> thanks guys
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Set filter to ‘Patterns’, choose pattern ‘base development’
and install all those, which should include all the ‘make’
variants, compilers, etc, etc.

[The general populace shouldn’t need to be bothered
knowing what compilers and tools are needed, and this
is exactly what ‘patterns’ are for.]

all sorted. might have been a problem with the .tar.gz file. downloaded alien and downloaded the debian .deb file and converted to .rpm and worked fine.

