compile Oracle Virtualbox 5.2.12 modules on Leap 15, kernel 4.12.14-lp150

Dear folks,

a short notice to the world: If you can’t compile Oracle Virtualbox 5.2.12 kernel modules on Leap 15, it maybe because the symbol wait_queue_t changed its name. Oracle followed this but only for kernels later than 4.13…

For Kernel kernel 4.12.14-lp150 (Leap 15 default) compiling fails because in

**/usr/src/vboxhost-5.2.12/vboxdrv/r0drv/linux/waitqueue-r0drv-linux.h (line 49)
the version minor is set to 13 → change it to 12 and do sudo vboxconfig again.


Best regards!

I was having the same issue compiling the kernel modules and can confirm that this fix works. Thanks to JohannesN for the fix.