Compaq compatibility with Suse

I have a Compaq desktop in mind to purchase. Since Compaq and HP sponsor Suse, does this guarantee that every desktop system that they sell will run SUSE on it as a workstation?

> I have a Compaq desktop in mind to purchase. Since Compaq and HP sponsor
> Suse, does this guarantee that every desktop system that they sell will
> run SUSE on it as a workstation?

short answer: no

longer: WELCOME!! when you say SUSE are you speaking of openSUSE or
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop (aka SLED), if the latter you need to
ask over in, or use their certified hardware finder

if you are asking about openSUSE:

there is no doubt that Compaq offers many systems designed for the
installed OS only, and in many many (most) cases that will not Linux…

the BEST way to make sure you get a Windows compatible machine is to
buy one with a MS operating system…

and, if you buy one with Linux installed, guess what? that is pretty
good indication it is compatible with the distribution and version
number installed on it by the factory…(but, unfortunately NOT a
“guarantee” (to use your word) that you can have a good experience if
you install BeOS, Red Hat or openSUSE 11.2

you can see if anyone else has tried the machine you are looking at
with openSUSE here:

as you can see there are NOT many listed–that is only a function of
not many people posting their experience…many might have had 100%
success and not posted a single word to help the purchase decision of
those that follow…

another way is google it, using a search sting like
linux “Compaq [model number]”
might turn up lots of hits, or none…play with the search string and
do lots of reading…sometimes it is helpful to add other words or
phrases like:
“driver problems” “install problems” or just problems

that said: most desktop systems’ hardware is generic enough that
they will work…but, before you start installing (i see this is your
first post here) be SURE to read and follow the advice in

and, read the Compaq warranty closely…unfortunately some
manufacturers void their warranty if you add or change the operating
system…certainly they cannot and will not offer technical support
in solving any problems you have with Linux on a machine they sold
with MS…and, in too many cases they void all hardware warranty also…

as far as i know IBM <>, Dell
<>, and HP <> sell
systems with Linux installed…and, there are some ‘independents’ who
do the same you can google for them, the only ones i know are:

note/CAVEAT: i’ve not purchased from any of them (i usually buy OS
free boxes or components) and this posting is not an ad or even a
suggestion that you do!

Note: Accuracy, completeness, legality, or usefulness of this posting
may be illusive.