Community Service

This year in collage I need a certain number of community service hours to pass. I have also spent a lot of time here proofreading documentation and making helping the wiki. To get credit I need someone to sign my service forum. Who should I email or fax the form to? Please email me at xxxxxxxxxxxx.

If you have your professor/supervisor contact us and verify your contribution, we’ll be happy to consider signing the form.

And, or instead – maybe it would also be a good idea to PM a Moderator of the Wiki Forum for a signature, they would know first hand your contribution.

That is a very noble way to earn college credit. I applaud it. Thank you very much.

Would I pm him the form? How would I get the signature?

On Mon, 26 Apr 2010 15:26:02 +0000, dnikolaidis wrote:

> Would I pm him the form? How would I get the signature?

Just send the Wiki forum moderator a PM and work out from there getting
the form to him. :slight_smile:


Jim Henderson
openSUSE Forums Administrator

thanks alot.

Where would I find the Wiki Administor

On Mon, 26 Apr 2010 15:46:02 +0000, dnikolaidis wrote:

> Where would I find the Wiki Administor

Looks like it’s not as clear as it could be - PM Jonathan_R, he should be
able to get you to the right people.


Jim Henderson
openSUSE Forums Administrator