Command not found

Could someone explain this?

# zypper se aria2
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...

S  | Name        | Summary                                             | Type   
i+ | aria2       | Parallelizing Multi-Protocol Utility for Download-> | package
   | aria2-devel | Devel files for aria2                               | package
i  | aria2-lang  | Languages for package aria2                         | package
i  | libaria2-0  | Shared library for aria2                            | package
# aria2
If 'aria2' is not a typo you can use command-not-found to lookup the package that contains it, like this:
    cnf aria2
# cnf aria2
aria2: command not found                 


It wants “aria2c” to run from the console. Sorry for bothering.

Use tab completion… aria<press tab key> it’s called aria2c :wink:

Search in Yast
The executable is aria2c


Bleh… just query the package:

rpm -ql aria2

and to find a binary, look in a ‘bin’ directory:

rpm -ql aria2 | grep bin

Good luck.

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