Cockpit install with cockpit-machines

I’m looking to install Cockpit on openSUSE Leap 15.6 and noticed that Cockpit is available, but I’m having trouble finding the cockpit-machines package, which I’m particularly interested in for managing virtual machines.

Could you please provide some guidance on how to install Cockpit and specifically how to obtain and configure the cockpit-machines module on openSUSE Leap 15.6?

Thank you in advance for your help!

@redsbaron Hi, cockpit-machines is a separate build from cockpit. I suspect it never made it into the backports repo…

It is built here for Leap 15.6;

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Is this how you think it could go?

sudo zypper ar systemsmanagement_cockpit
sudo zypper refresh
sudo zypper install cockpit cockpit-machines
sudo systemctl enable --now cockpit.socket
sudo firewall-cmd --add-service=cockpit --permanent
sudo firewall-cmd --reload

@redsbaron I use cockpit-bridge and sshd on the machine, then use the flatpak client (installed as my user) org.cockpit_project.CockpitClient to connect over ssh from the localhost or remote…

Does it allow you to create virtual machines and manage disks? In the end, I use Portainer for containers.

@redsbaron It does…

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I didn’t understand if you used that repository you linked me, and so I add it, zypper refresh and then install it.

Or did you install this flatpak cockpit client, installed cockpit via:
sudo zypper install cockpit cockpit-bridges
ssh must already be configured, and using the flatpak client should appear cockpit-machines?

Thank you for your patience I have a very bad understanding, and bad English

@redsbaron I’m on Tumbleweed here, so cockpit-machines is available without the additional repository.

So, yes you need to add as you already posted, firewall rules look ok (I don’t run firewalls internally)

You likely need to switch all your cockpit packages to that repository as well as adding cockpit-machines.

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Here the working repo

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