Cleanup after system updates


Because I use tumbleweed I get a lot of update and on each update I get a message like:

After the operation, additional xxx MiB will be

If all update use harddisk space I will eventually run out of disk space, is there a way to clean or remove old packages?


Checked how much space you are actually using ?

sda3 my root partition
sda4 my home partition

paulparker@linux-7769:~> **df -h**
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
devtmpfs        3.7G     0  3.7G   0% /dev
tmpfs           3.7G  3.8M  3.7G   1% /dev/shm
tmpfs           3.7G  2.2M  3.7G   1% /run
tmpfs           3.7G     0  3.7G   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/sda3        41G   24G   15G  62% /
/dev/sda3        41G   24G   15G  62% /.snapshots
/dev/sda3        41G   24G   15G  62% /var/tmp
/dev/sda3        41G   24G   15G  62% /var/spool
/dev/sda3        41G   24G   15G  62% /var/opt
/dev/sda3        41G   24G   15G  62% /var/lib/mailman
/dev/sda3        41G   24G   15G  62% /var/log
/dev/sda3        41G   24G   15G  62% /var/crash
/dev/sda3        41G   24G   15G  62% /usr/local
/dev/sda3        41G   24G   15G  62% /var/lib/named
/dev/sda3        41G   24G   15G  62% /var/lib/pgsql
/dev/sda3        41G   24G   15G  62% /tmp
/dev/sda3        41G   24G   15G  62% /srv
/dev/sda3        41G   24G   15G  62% /opt
/dev/sda3        41G   24G   15G  62% /boot/grub2/x86_64-efi
/dev/sda3        41G   24G   15G  62% /boot/grub2/i386-pc
/dev/sda4       424G  230G  195G  55% /home

Thank you, I will keep on eye on the free space, but my question was related strictly to the app the zypper installs/updates and not the other stuff that I might have around my computer.

unless you’ve changed an option zypper does not cache updates it deletes all rpm’s after installing them, I’m thinking you use btrfs for root, that file system is resource hungry, delete some snapshots and go in yast and change snapper settings.

Sometimes there’s a negative number there.

This is mostly software bloat. The newer version does a little more than the older version.

The additional space required is usually small.

BUT – there is one exception. On a kernel update, the new kernel is just added so the full amount of space (quite large) shows up. And kernel updates are often in Tumbleweed updates.

But, not to worry. The “purge-kernels” service is supposed to automatically delete older kernels.

But do check. If you have a lot of kernels (look for file names “vmlinux*” in “/boot”), then maybe they old kernels are not being delete. It’s possible that install from live media leaves a system where the service is not enabled.

Thank you, I don’t have a space issue as I have 1TB harddrive I was wandering what was the logic behind it.

I only have 2 versions of kernel now.

In normal config you can have as many as 3 kernels the reason it that if something goes wrong with the latest you can drop back to a working kernel. The third is not purged until you successfully boot after an update.