Due to failed online update, I looked into a clean install from the leap 15 dvd. I wished to maintain my current partitioning as I wanted to save my home directory. My current EFI partition is sized at 100mb. Upon trying to start the clean install I received a message that the EFI partition now needed to be 500mb or else system might not boot. I did not want an unbootable system. I would have needed to repartition the disk and lost my home directory. I aborted the process.
I don’t see how this can be a realistic requirement as the online update process to leap 15 does not change any partition sizes and would have maintained the 100mb. Apparently the vast majority of these updates have been successful.
Would I be ok to proceed with the clean install and ignore that warning, maintaining the 100mb partion that now exists?
Any opinions or advice.
Tom Kosvic