Chromium crashes with Oh snap constantly

Hi guys,
Ever since the update to Chromium Version 41.0.2272.89 (64-bit) my Chromium crashes almost instantly on pages with media content like Images (9Gag, Facebook) or embedded videos (CT, Youtube) with the Oh snap error. It worked just fine until the last update.

I tried reverting back to version 40 but as soon as I open it, it gives me an error saying that my profile data is corrupted because of the newer version and I really need my profile since I have many passwords saved, settings, etc and using the Sync feature.

I’m thinking it has something to do with plugins, I remeber I had to install Pepper Flash a while ago because Youtube would not play HTML5 videos.

Here is what I gave installed

Chromium 41.0.2272.89-718.1-x86-64 from
chromium-ffmpeg 40.0.2214.115-708.1 from packman repo
chromium-pdf-plugin from packman
flash-player from openSuse non-oss

removed pepper flash

I also have Firefox installed, working perfectly.

openSUSE 13.1 (Bottle) (x86_64) Linux 3.19.1-1.ga04cebc-desktop

I still have 40.something from the 13.2 repos. I’m not having problems.

As far as I know, “flash-player” won’t help because chromium can’t use it (different interface).

I’ll note that pepper-flash is at There have been several security updates to flash since then, but pepper-flash has not been updated. I’m not at all sure whether pepper-flash on chromium is safe to use.

On Sat 14 Mar 2015 06:56:01 PM CDT, nrickert wrote:

I still have 40.something from the 13.2 repos. I’m not having problems.

As far as I know, “flash-player” won’t help because
chromium can’t use it (different interface).

I’ll note that pepper-flash is at There have been several
security updates to flash since then, but pepper-flash has not been
updated. I’m not at all sure whether pepper-flash on chromium is safe
to use.

Maybe this might help?

Cheers Malcolm °¿° LFCS, SUSE Knowledge Partner (Linux Counter #276890)
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12 GNOME 3.10.1 Kernel 3.12.36-38-default
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I think I managed to fix it!

I removed pepper-flash and old flash-player.

Reinstalled chromium-pepper-flash 16
Forced-reinstalled chromium

Now seems to work, it doesn’t seem to crash anymore and also flash videos play fine.

Thank you all!