Chrome failing

Over the past few updates, Chrome has been deteriorating. For a while, I had to click on the icon once or twice to get the browser to open. Then, it went to 3-4 tries. As of today, even after 5-6 tries, the browser crashes as soon as it opens. The odd thing is this failure is on my pc. I am posting from a laptop. Both machines run on the latest updates of Tumbleweed. While Chrome is failing, both Firefox and Tor work normally. I use the google repo on both machines. What do you think could be going wrong?


sudo mount -a

then try again to start Chrome. If that works, have a look at Karl M’s post in the Unreviewed Howto’s. It also provides a link to a wiki page on how to fix this issue with btrfs-maintenance-refresh
EDIT: found the URL

In between my original post and now, I ran zypper dup. As of this morning, Chrome is acting normally. However, I will remember these suggestions if it starts acting up again. Thanks!