Checksum Install error "Wrong Digest" Suse Linux 12.1

I was installing for a friend of mine Suse Linux 12.1 from a magazine DVD (Easy Linux)
Checksum Install error “Wrong Digest”

see image

I was not installing this time.
Has anyone encountered that before or any suggestions to this?

Hello, and welcome here.

I guess that almost nobody here uses the same DVD as you have. Most will not even be certain what it contains exectly.

When you use the official download at Download openSUSE 12.1 , you at least will have the same as most have here and thus it will be easier to help you.

Henk van Velden
Thank You for your fast response

I did in the end install from my DVD, but still I am interested how and why something like this happened.
I told my friend to dump the DVD and gave him a copy from me.
That a magazine DVD can’t be trusted is bad, I think…

I doubt that we can tell you what is wrong with that third party DVD. I also have no idea why you think that a magzine is to be trusted. I am not an expert, but I guess that a magazine, wanting to provide DVDs to all it readers, goes for some mass production. Where you can download the poduct from the openSUSE web-site itself, download the checksum from the same and thus check your download, burn the DVD (slowly) and check the burned DVD again against the checksum. Thus you will be pretty sure that you have a good DVD where nobody tinkered with the contents.

On 2012-05-13 16:46, renderwerx wrote:
> I was installing for a friend of mine Suse Linux 12.1 from a magazine
> DVD (Easy Linux)
> Checksum Install error “Wrong Digest”
> see image

Replace the DVD. Bad. Ah, it comes from a magazine? Bad luck.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.4 x86_64 “Celadon” at Telcontar)

On 2012-05-13 17:46, renderwerx wrote:

> I did in the end install from my DVD, but still I am interested how and
> why something like this happened.

Well, the message says it all :slight_smile:

> I told my friend to dump the DVD and gave him a copy from me.
> That a magazine DVD can’t be trusted is bad, I think…

Did you run media check on the magazine DVD?
You can write them and ask for a replacement.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.4 x86_64 “Celadon” at Telcontar)

On 2012-05-13 18:16, hcvv wrote:
> I doubt that we can tell you what is wrong with that third party DVD. I
> also have no idea why you think that a magzine is to be trusted. I am
> not an expert, but I guess that a magazine, wanting to provide DVDs to
> all it readers, goes for some mass production. Where you can download
> the poduct from the openSUSE web-site itself, download the checksum from
> the same and thus check your download, burn the DVD (slowly) and check
> the burned DVD again against the checksum. Thus you will be pretty sure
> that you have a good DVD where nobody tinkered with the contents.

And it can be as simple that the DVD is damaged during production or
transport, without anybody intentionally changing contents. It can happen.
So the obvious thing is to self-check the DVD.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.4 x86_64 “Celadon” at Telcontar)

Am 13.05.2012 18:08, schrieb Carlos E. R.:
> Replace the DVD. Bad. Ah, it comes from a magazine? Bad luck.
As far as I remember the easylinux magazine you can always ask for a
gratis replacement for a damaged DVD which came with it.
And that would be the very first thing I would do if I really want that DVD.

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