Change printer configuration (CUPS) from static IP to DHCP

I have a Canon MF5950dw printer and I use CUPS as the printer server. When I bought it, the network was setup with static IP addresses, so assigning a static IP to the printer was no problem.
I have changed Internet providers and have lost my static IP in the process. I have gone into the configuration saved in the printer and changed the network settings to DHCP as per the printer’s manual, and made sure that the ip address assigned by DHCP is stored correctly.
I know that I can manage CUPS from within YAST, but I can not figure out the steps to change this working printer from a static IP to DHCP so that everyone on the network can print to it.

As this is something I very rarely do, I’m looking for step by step for getting this set up, or a document that has the steps.

Thanks for any help,

Hmmm, your internet facing address should have no bearing on your internal network? Or are you getting a ppoe adress to the machine acting as the print server?

If going through a router, just set a dhcp range for your clients and then outside this range use static ip’s…

I set mine here for 15 dhcp clients then rest are all available as static.

AFAICS from this thread and the one on ‘DVD as a repo’ you have a wrong perception of networking. An ISP has absolutely nothing to do with your internal network. If they gave you a new modem router, the local IP range might be different, but static IP’s should work, as long as they’re in the network range the router part provides.

I’m wondering if by changing provider he was also given a new router perhaps, and it’s using a different private IP subnet by default - pure speculation though.

As you mentioned already, it’s easy enough to change the dhcp range (and even the subnet used if desired), and the OP could consider setting a particular DHCP-assigned address for the printer (so that it’s effectively a static IP address anyway).

Then there is always bonjour/zeroconf or netbios (well there is on my HP wireless printer) for the clients so no changes on printer or print server required…?

Yes, I was given a new router. I did find the IP that was assigned to the printer, so I set it in the printer’s setup. The IP is in the printer.

Now, my question is: I’m working in YAST and I am at “Modify Canon_MF5900_UFRII_LT” . I see the old IP address there ( and I want to change that to . Where do I do that? In YAST? Manually (if so, in which file)? I know that I’m missing something simple/obvious, but I’m not seeing it.

Thank you for the assistance.

Yes, I have configured CUPS to use Avahi local hostname resolution on occasion, but the printer must still have an assigned IP address residing within the appropriate subnet of course.

Yes, you can do that via YaST, or use the CUPS web config interface (as I prefer)…


Thank you. I did it through YAST, and now printing is working again.

Much appreciated.


Well done. Thanks for the update.