change mirrors???

hey susers… been a while since I used opensuse… just install 11.2 and the default mirror in yast is a friggin joke for me… its taking me literally hours to download a few packages…

my question is how do i find and change the mirrors in yast to an australian mirror so that i can have decent speeds… i can’t see any option to do it and i so far havn’t found any information on how to do this… can somebody please link me if i’ve missed something?


openSUSE Download Mirrors - 11.2

all mirrors and their addresses are listed here:

the how to stick the address into YaST is probably findable, but i
don’t know where…i’ve done it several times by simply using a
browser to find the exact directory to list, and then look at a
working repo to see what to put in each blank in YaST…

if you need more on YaST see:


thanx for the responses… but I still can’t find any info on how I add my chosen mirror to Yast… I been looking all morning with no luck…

if anybody finds it or knows how I do it, please let me know or link me… im tearing my hair out. lol

Go to: Yast > Software Repositories. In the lower left there’s a button labled Add, click it, choose Specify URL, Then click Next. Give it a name, and past the URL of the repo of your choice in the URL field. Click Next and it will be added.

ahhhh ofcoarse… I don’t know why I didn’t think of that, I’m use to distros like Arch Linux where you can edit the text mirrorlist file which has a large listing to choose from and you just pick the mirror you want…

I found an Oss and Non-Oss mirror near me which works fine and added it to yast… I guess i have to hunt down local mirrors for all the other repos i have enabled now… like Packman… the default skynet really sucks for me, but there is no australian mirror for packman that i’ve found yet…

I’de like to see a feature in Opensuse in the future, where you can pick from a list of mirrors that is local to you from within yast instead of having to hunt around the internet for mirrors… alot of other distros do this already.

kaddy wrote:
> I’de like to see a feature in Opensuse in the future, where you can
> pick from a list of mirrors that is local to you from within yast
> instead of having to hunt around the internet for mirrors… alot of
> other distros do this already.

that sounds like a good idea to me…
suggest you ask for that feature, see how at:


even i have tried many times to do that but i am not able to download any updates nor install any other software through yast.
Can any one help me out with thiss. I am not able to update … yast opens and takes a long time finally says repomd.xml error and aborts

Please post the output of

zypper -v ref