CD/DVD doesn't appear

Hi, I am a OpenSuse beginner, so sorry for any dumb questions.
I installed it (OS 10.3) from DVD w/o problems, and in the hardware information the cd/dvd drive (NEC DVD_RW ND-7550A) appears. But I cannot figure out how to access it (on the desktop there’s a link to the floppy drive but not to the DVD). Do I have to install some extra driver etc.?

CPU: mobile Athlon xp 200+ (i386)

Thanks for any help!

What happens when you put a CD/DVD in the drive?

I hear it working, but nothing appears, at least not with my limited knowledge… I don’t see any folder, symbol etc.(I see the floppy drive symbol for example)

A window should pop up asking you what to do. At least with KDE.

I am using GNOME. Nothing happens, no matter if i use a DVD or CD-ROM.


I am not so familiar with gnome but you can try to navigate to /media after inserting the CD/DVD, there should be a folder named like the CD/DVD (when all works correct).

hope this helps

Only the floppy drive and my usb harddrive appears under /media