Loading matlab -softwareopengl I get the following
caused by
Should I go back to Linux 15.5?
Thanks a lot!
Loading matlab -softwareopengl I get the following
caused by
Should I go back to Linux 15.5?
Thanks a lot!
I have matlab (2017) and leap 15.6 I don’t see similar messages.
Are you getting this message upon starting matlab before loading a file?
If you are getting this after loading a file, post a copy of what you are loading. I’ll try loading it.
tom kosvic
I write in matlab (Matlab2024b):
and then I get yesterday message about not being able to perform the plot. The graphic windows opens, but nothing is plotted.
In my old 2017a version I get a plot for the code you gave and no errors. The old version uses “exp” instead of “**”.
But running this code on matlab 2017a and leap 15.6 did generate a plot.
I haven’t used matlab in a long time. I use R, octave, and scilab but my old matlab does still work.
Since your error looks java related, maybe install additional java versions from yast software. I do have all java versions through v21 installed. I know virtually nothing about java. Maybe reinstall GL items.
tom kosvic
I was wrong referencing exp but I did get a plot with no errors in matlab 2017a running in leap 15.6
This runs fine in matlab 2017a and generates a plot.
Thanks a lot. It seems that the same error happens in Ubuntu. I’ll continue working on the problem.
I have solved the problem: The command for matlab is now:
from Willi Mutschler, with thanks.
actually: i965, NOT I965
glad you got it
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