Can't Update System


(Sorry if this is in the wrong category, wasn’t sure, if it is please move it if you can, Thanks.)

Anyway, I just re-installed OpenSuse 11 running Gnome. I got wifi to work. :slight_smile:

And I did a couple updates, but now there is that circle on the bar saying there are 47 updates. So I clicked it to update, entered my root password, but then I get this error.

“Dependency Resolution Failed
A package could not be found that allows the task to complete.
More information is available in the detailed report.”

Then when I click more details I get.

pulseaudio-utils-0.9.10-26.3.i586 requires libpulse-browse0 = 0.9.10, but this requirement cannot be provided
pulseaudio-module-gconf-0.9.10-26.3.i586 requires pulseaudio = 0.9.10, but this requirement cannot be provided

Does anyone know what I can do?



> “Dependency Resolution Failed
> A package could not be found that allows the task to complete.
> More information is available in the detailed report.”
> Then when I click more details I get.
> pulseaudio-utils-0.9.10-26.3.i586 requires libpulse-browse0 = 0.9.10,
> but this requirement cannot be provided
> pulseaudio-module-gconf-0.9.10-26.3.i586 requires pulseaudio = 0.9.10,
> but this requirement cannot be provided

Yes there were 4 updates to PulseAudio released on Packman today. I too get
the dependancy error just like you, and so far I’ve not bothered with it.
I’d been thinking I was gonna just let it be til tomorrow and then see.

Niclas Ekstedt, CNA/CNE/CNS/CLS
Systems Engineer/NSC Sysop
Telindus Sweden AB

Probably because new packages are being put in the pacman repo, and not all of the dependencies have been uploaded to the repo yet. Wait a couple of days and see if they show up.


> Probably because new packages are being put in the pacman repo, and not
> all of the dependencies have been uploaded to the repo yet. Wait a
> couple of days and see if they show up.


Niclas Ekstedt, CNA/CNE/CNS/CLS
Systems Engineer/NSC Sysop
Telindus Sweden AB