Can't Start KDE4 on 11.1


I have installed KDE4.2 few month ago. I can’t login - KDE crashed.
Now in installed KDE 4.3 with One Click Install. I have the same Problem.

KDE3.5, gnome works perfectly.

Whats wrong? Can you help me?

Here my .xsession-errors

/etc/X11/xim: Checking whether an input method should be started.
/etc/X11/xim: user environment variable LANG=de_DE.UTF-8
sourcing /etc/sysconfig/language to get the value of INPUT_METHOD
INPUT_METHOD is not set or empty (no user selected input method).
Trying to start a default input method for the locale de_DE.UTF-8 …
There is no default input method for the current locale.
Dummy input method “none” (do not use any fancy input method by default)
Warning: Type “ONE_LEVEL” has 1 levels, but <RALT> has 2 symbols
Ignoring extra symbols
Warning: No symbols defined for <SYRQ> (keycode 92)

Warning: No symbols defined for <I7F> (keycode 255)
startkde: Starting up…
kdeinit4: preparing to launch /usr/lib64/
kdeinit4: preparing to launch /usr/lib64/
kdeinit4: preparing to launch /usr/lib64/
kbuildsycoca4 running…
kdeinit4: preparing to launch /usr/lib64/
kbuildsycoca4 running…
kdeinit4: preparing to launch /usr/lib64/
"KConfigIni: In file /tmp/kde-n/kconf_updateL21135.tmp, line 1: " Invalid entry (missing ‘=’)
kdeinit4: preparing to launch /usr/lib64/kde4/
Invalid D-BUS member name ‘idle-hint’ found in interface ‘org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit.Session’ while parsing introspection
Invalid D-BUS member name ‘is-local’ found in interface ‘org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit.Session’ while parsing introspection
Invalid D-BUS member name ‘x11-display-device’ found in interface ‘org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit.Session’ while parsing introspection
Invalid D-BUS member name ‘x11-display’ found in interface ‘org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit.Session’ while parsing introspection
Invalid D-BUS member name ‘display-device’ found in interface ‘org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit.Session’ while parsing introspection
Invalid D-BUS member name ‘remote-host-name’ found in interface ‘org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit.Session’ while parsing introspection
Invalid D-BUS member name ‘session-type’ found in interface ‘org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit.Session’ while parsing introspection
Invalid D-BUS member name ‘unix-user’ found in interface ‘org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit.Session’ while parsing introspection
X Error: XSyncBadAlarm 129
Extension: 131 (Uknown extension)
Minor opcode: 11 (Unknown request)
Resource id: 0x0
X Error: XSyncBadAlarm 129
Extension: 131 (Uknown extension)
Minor opcode: 11 (Unknown request)
Resource id: 0x0
X Error: XSyncBadAlarm 129
Extension: 131 (Uknown extension)
Minor opcode: 11 (Unknown request)
Resource id: 0x0
X Error: XSyncBadAlarm 129
Extension: 131 (Uknown extension)
Minor opcode: 11 (Unknown request)
Resource id: 0x0
kdeinit4: preparing to launch /usr/lib64/
kdeinit4: preparing to launch /usr/lib64/
<unknown program name>(21129)/ KStartupInfo::createNewStartupId: creating: “QLU10;1246776614;254584;21129_TIME0” : “unnamed app”
kephald starting up
XRANDR error base: 186
RRInput mask is set!!
RandRScreen::loadSettings - adding mode: 146 1280 x 1024

RandRScreen::loadSettings - adding mode: 201 320 x 200
RandRScreen::loadSettings - adding crtc: 144
RandRScreen::loadSettings - adding output: 145
Setting CRTC 144 on output “default” (previous 0 )
CRTC outputs: (145)
Output name: “default”
Output refresh rate: 85
Output rect: QRect(0,0 1280x1024)
Output rotation: 1
added output 145
adding an output 0 with geom: QRect(0,0 1280x1024)
adding a disconnected output 1
adding a disconnected output 2
adding a disconnected output 3
output: “SCREEN-0” QRect(0,0 1280x1024) 6553600 true false
output: “SCREEN-1” QRect(0,0 0x0) 2097268 true false
output: “SCREEN-2” QRect(0,0 0x0) 4456494 true false
output: “SCREEN-3” QRect(0,0 0x0) 8446826 false false
“/home/n/.local directory not found, creating now.”
load xml
save xml
connected: 1
looking for current “SCREEN-0”
known “" has score: 0.125
screen: 0 QRect(0,0 1280x1024)
looking for a matching configuration…
connected: 1
looking for current “SCREEN-0”
known "
” has score: 0.125
found outputs, known: false
activate external configuration!!
registered the service: true
screens registered on the bus: true
outputs registered on the bus: true
configurations registered on the bus: true
kdeinit4: Fatal IO error: client killed
kdeinit4: sending SIGHUP to children.
klauncher: Exiting on signal 1
kded4: Fatal IO error: client killed
kwin: Fatal IO error: client killed
QProcess: Destroyed while process is still running.
Qt-subapplication: Fatal IO error: client killed
kdeinit4: sending SIGTERM to children.
kdeinit4: Exit.

kde4.3 is development, you should really only use it if you know what to do in these cases.
But - nevertheless. Open a terminal, and do

zypper lr --details

I have them same Problem with KDE4.2 before the I installed KDE4.3 beta…

#  | Alias                                     | Name                                  | Aktiviert | Aktualisieren | Priorität | Typ    | URI                                                                                                | Dienst
1  | ATI_Repository                            | ATI Repository                        | Ja        | Ja            |   99      | rpm-md |                                                                      |
2  | KDE4_Factory_Desktop_Community            | KDE4_Factory_Desktop_Community        | Ja        | Ja            |   99      | rpm-md |  |
3  | KDE4_Factory_Desktop_playground           | KDE4_Factory_Desktop_playground       | Ja        | Ja            |   99      | rpm-md | |
4  | KDE_core_Factory_for_11.1                 | KDE core Factory for 11.1             | Ja        | Ja            |   99      | rpm-md |               |
5  | Packman_Repository_1                      | Packman Repository                    | Ja        | Ja            |   99      | rpm-md |                                                        |
6  | Packman_Uni_Erlangen                      | Packman Uni Erlangen                  | Ja        | Ja            |   99      | rpm-md |                                          |
7  | QT4.5                                     | QT4.5                                 | Ja        | Ja            |   99      | rpm-md |                                   |
8  | VideoLan_Repository_1                     | VideoLan Repository                   | Ja        | Ja            |   99      | rpm-md |                                           |
9  | devel:tools:building                      | devel:tools:building                  | Ja        | Ja            |   99      | rpm-md |                    |
10 | | Hauptaktualisierungs-Repository       | Ja        | Ja            |   99      | rpm-md |                                                          |
11 | openSUSE-11.0-Non-Oss                     | openSUSE-11.1-Non-Oss                 | Ja        | Ja            |   99      | yast2  |                                       |
12 | openSUSE-11.1-Oss                         | openSUSE-11.1-Oss                     | Ja        | Ja            |   99      | yast2  |                                           |
13 | openSUSE_BuildService_-_X11:XGL_1         | openSUSE BuildService - X11:XGL       | Ja        | Ja            |   99      | rpm-md |                                |
14 | repo                                      | openSUSE BuildService - KDE:Backports | Ja        | Ja            |   99      | rpm-md |                            |
15 | repo_1                                    | openSUSE BuildService - X11:Compiz    | Ja        | Ja            |   99      | rpm-md |  

Take out QT45 it’s not needed, then in Yast Software management look for all your QT stuff and if they show either Red or Blue, click them to Rollback/Update respectively. (you may have to ignore dependency errors until you have them all checked)

In fact you might want to check filter by repo in Yast Software Management, select system and look for Red Packages, especially those prefixed ‘kde4’
eg’ kde4-gwenview
Many of these have had the kde4 prefix dropped so they need deleting and just gwenview installing.

If after that you still have trouble do a rename of the .kde4 - open a terminal and do:
mv /home/username*/.kde4 .kde4old

Repository QT45 is deleted

I have no more red or blue marked packages in yast2

I used a new user n - /home/n was empty

but the problem is the same.

Remove repo #4
open a terminal as su and do

zypper ref


zypper dup


some Packages are updated, but no KDE4

the same problem with KDE4

OK. So now we need to try a Update all Unconditionally in the kde4 factory desktop, but first add this repo: (because if my re-examination of the thread is correct we don’t have it - The one you deleted earlier)

Index of /repositories/KDE:/KDE4:/Factory:/Desktop/openSUSE_11.1

Then do Update all Unconditionally in this repo, this will re-install, update or rollback accordingly, every kde4 package in the repo

I have reinstalled all KDE core packages.

KDE4.3 don’t start.

Is it possible to get more error information such as debug-log?

Do you have auto login disabled? I’m guessing you must have. But what exactly happens after you try and login?

auto login is disabled. I have a green screen, where i can login. In the lower right on screen, i can change to kde3, kde4.3, gnome …
After login is a green screen (opensuse design) with a status bar. If the bar half filled, then the screen is black (only kde4). Then i see the login screen again.

The log see in my first post.

Is a diagnostic of the problem possible?

And you created a New User account and this still happens? Just confirming.

Always I delete all files and directory’s (also the files/dir’s started with point .kde4, …) in the home of my test user. But KDE4 don’t start.
Is this OK?

That is NOT what I asked.
In Gnome use Yast to create a New User (we can delete it later easily)
Logout and then in to kde4 with the new username

I created the user kde4user with yast2. I logged out. Now I tried to start a kde4 session. But with the same result.

/home/kde4user/.xsession-errors was the same - … kde4init: Fatal IO error: client killed …

What can I do now?

Short of doing a system wide re-install of all packages, I am not sure what to advise:(

Now I am trying to reinstall all packages. But I think, it do not help.

@caf4926 Thank you, for spending your time. I know, my English is not good…

Know anybody, what can I do now?

Thing is we have been thru all the possibilities really. If the problem still exists after trying a new user account. That rules out local settings. And we already tried some package re-installation. it is not unknown to have broken packages, but it’s rare, usually it happens when users abort or the connection aborts during some package installation.Really though, the fact that gnome is working suggests the system is OK and it’s just kde4 that’s at fault.

The only other reference I found to this involves QT, search for libqt and re-install them all.

Consider adding this repo (though it should not be necessary) and update all in it once added.
Index of /repositories/KDE:/Qt44/openSUSE_11.1

see how you get on.


I deleted my ati-video-driver(fglrx) und the kernel-module (both rpm’s).

Now it works.

Thank you