can't start any desktop environment after installing "awesome window manager"

I was play around with compton to try and fix the tearing with the nouveau driver.
Then I noticed someone was using the awesome window manager with it…
so I decided to try it… and installed.

Now when I try to login to plasma, xfce or lxqt
it flashes a black screen with some text… too fast to see…
and then I’m back at the login window.
“You should now add *exec awesome to your **~/.xinitrc.”
I did that…
*** You will usually find this **rc.lua file in **/etc/xdg/awesome/.
That doesn’t exist…

****Uninstalling awesome doesn’t seem to solve this.

I’d be happy just to drop “awesome” and move on… any thoughts?

Remove it again.

~/.xinitrc is run regardless of which desktop environment you login too.

And if it tries to start awesome and that fails (because it isn’t installed any more e.g.), this might break the login completely.
Also, another desktop environment comes with its own windowmanager, if one is already running this might also give problems…

PS: regarding awesome itself, the openSUSE package does come with an xsessions file, so you should just be able to select it on the login screen.
No need for adding anything to ~/.xinitrc.

Wow I thought I had done that…
Removing the file worked! Thank you!