If you open a terminal and switch to root user (su - NOT su) and run yast2 from the command line, how goes it? Also try zypper ref -f, zypper up and zypper up -t patch maybe an out of sync mirror when you updated?
Bit more digging shows me that it is “User” based. It works for other users?
In addition to YaST not running from the Launcher, I am unable to change the launcher style.
I used to be able to Right-Click on the Gecko/Chameleon? and chose one of the alternatives - Not now?
Secondly, Right-Clicking in the Poped-Up Launcher panel would give me the option to edit the menu - Not now?
What is the name of the KDE Plasma Launcher? Where are the config files for the Launcher?
Before attempting to edit the Plasma “program starter” – usually the “Application Launcher” – the Desktop Widgets have to be unlocked.
Right click on the Desktop or click on the Desktop Toolbox.
These terms are explained here: <https://docs.kde.org/stable5/en/kde-workspace/plasma-desktop/using-kapp.html>.
[HR][/HR]What happens if you simply execute “/usr/bin/xdg-su -c /sbin/yast2” from a “normal” user’s Konsole Terminal Window?
[HR][/HR]When you’re editing the Application Launcher’s “System Administration” menu item are the following items true:
Command: “/usr/bin/xdg-su -c /sbin/yast2”
Extended Tab: “Run as a different user” checked?
Optionally with the user “root” entered into the “username” field.