Can't print Pdfs


I’ve installed opensuse 11.1 on my computer. I’m using a Samsung ML-2510 printer. I’ve installed a driver from the Samsung-homepage and my printer is now recognized. However, though I can e.g. print Open Office documents, I can’t print pdfs (neither under Okular nor under Acrobat Reader).

The error message I get is:

‘ERROR: object’/usr/lib/Adobe/Reader8/Reader/intellinux/lib/suse-do’ from LD-PRELOAD cannot preload:ignored.
ERROR: object ‘/usr/libAdobe/Reader8/Reader/intellinux/lib/suse-do’ from LD-PRELOAD cannot preload:ignored.
ProcessEx::execute: </usr/bin/lprorig|-#|1|-P|
Samsung_ML-2510_Series|-h|-o|Resolution=600dpi auth-info-required=none=Letter number-up=1 printer-info=Samsung_ML-2510_Series printer-is-accepting-jobs=1 printer-is-

Does anybody know what the problem is or can help me? (I know nothing about Linux or computers in general.)

Thanks a lot,

There were some issues with printing in Ocular in the early days, but not now. Though it might depend on your kde version of Ocular. Suse 11.1 shipped with kde4.1.3 but I never used it, I did an immediate upgrade to 4.2.* at install.
I can’t imagine Adobe is buggy. But then I never use that either.
Sorry I can’t offer any real help. Except I would consider maybe installing kpdf and or trying printing directly via the CUPS web interface
CUPS - Explained - openSUSE Forums

If you haven’t updated to 4.2, you should try that as Okular has received quite a lot of attention since 4.1.3 and you may find the problems have now gone.

The Adobe reader is not buggy, it’s immense, it’s heavy, it’s a resource eater, it’s extremely slow. If you realize what xpdf / kpdf / okular can do for you, it’s almost unnatural that Adobe Reader for linux still exists.

Knurpht wrote:

> The Adobe reader is not buggy, it’s immense, it’s heavy, it’s a resource
> eater, it’s extremely slow. If you realize what xpdf / kpdf / okular can
> do for you, it’s almost unnatural that Adobe Reader for linux still
> exists.

Acrobat Reader is really a bunch of sluggish code. I agree.

But there are some PDF forms and others that use protection which cannot be
properly handle by okular or evince. Not all, but some.

For the immense of pdf files out there (plain pdf), okular and such are o.k.



That’s usually caused by crappy creation of the forms. Protection is another thing, I don’t know, but I can see it coming. Must be.

Where have you downloaded the adobe reader from?
“Reader/intellinux/lib/suse-do” does not seem to be a valid file location.

Please download the latest AR for linux from :

You could refer the following blog post for instructions on how to install using the installer you’ve downloaded:
Acroread: Installer formats for Adobe Reader 9 on Unix

This is normal and a harmless error message with the Adobe reader bundled with openSUSE and has nothing to do with the problem. I see it all the time when I start acroread from a console and it doesn’t interfere with operation.

Regarding the main problem, I’m only guessing, but one reason is that the wrong page size is requested, some printer drivers object when you send a Letter page when it’s expecting an A4 page.

Another is that the page is too complex for the printer to render because it doesn’t have enough memory. Once in a while I would have a page that wouldn’t print and the chance of that decreased when I added more RAM to the printer.

You could try printing to a Postscript file and then sending that file to the printer. If it fails to print, that may be the reason.