Can't print pdfs from Acrobat Reader, only from Okular

I’m using openSUSE 11.1, and I have a small, but annoying, printing problem - I can’t print pdfs using anything except okular. Since I use acroread to open pdfs within firefox, it would be very convenient to print from there. But nothing happens:

lpq -Pps1

(for example) claims that the file is being sent to the printer, but nothing is produced. The printer itself is fine, as printing with okular demonstrates.

How can I troubleshoot this problem?


Sometimes printers refuse to print a page if it’s too complex, or the paper size requested is Letter when you have only A4 paper, and so forth. Check your acroread print settings.


i do have the same problem, i’ve tried to play with acroread printing options, without success…

I have same problem with:

  • opensuse 10.3 with acroread 8.1.4
  • Samsung ml1020R official driver from Samsung website
  • CUPS 1.2.12

Best Regards

The pdf priting working fine only with KPDF.

Thanks in advance


Not sure why you need acroread. I have never had it installed and Firefox offers me Okular or Other as my choice.

It’s common problem with some files and the way acroread it process. The only solution worked for me was to use another program (like kpdf,evince or simply lpr) to print the document and wait for next acroread release.

kirk189 wrote:

> I have same problem with:
> - opensuse 10.3 with acroread 8.1.4
> - Samsung ml1020R official driver from Samsung website
> - CUPS 1.2.12

Is it a protected document?

Some protected PDF can be printed with Kpdf/Okular/Evince but not with
Acrobat Reader.

