can't open my web pages

i recently installed opensuse 11.0 on my computer. i configured my internet connection but inspite of being connected to my internet server, whenever i open any site on my internet browser it shows a message " the page can not be displayed ". kindly tell me what to do.

anand0085 wrote:
> i recently installed opensuse 11.0 on my computer. i configured my
> internet connection but inspite of being connected to my internet
> server, whenever i open any site on my internet browser it shows a
> message " the page can not be displayed ". kindly tell me what to do.

i think i’d start by telling us more about what is going on there…

like: are you unable to browse to any sites?

like, can you ping your “internet server” and, tell me what you mean
by that…do you mean your ISP’s home page, or what?

can you ping ?

Is your computer or network protected by a firewall or proxy?

did you install 11.0 while the computer was connected to the internet?
did you set up and test your network during that initial install? did
you run the connection test the install script offered you? what were
the results of that?

how are you connecting to this forum? that is, from the same location
with the same computer maybe dual booted to another OS? or, maybe a
different computer on the same internal network/router…what??


yes, i can ping my internet server and can browse my ISP’s home page but can’t browse any other sites. my computer is protected by the firewall provided by opensuse 11.0 but when i turned off my firewall, still face the same problem. one thing i want to tell u that i’m also using windows xp sp3 but there i’m not facing that kind of problem

This is nothing to do with the firewall

Just check the obvious in FF from the ‘File’ menu - make sure ‘Work Offline’ is NOT checked.

> Just check the obvious in FF from the ‘File’ menu - make sure ‘Work
> Offline’ is NOT checked.

and turn off IPv6


my “work offline” and IPv6 option is unchecked. pls tell me about some other settings to change

Tell us more about HOW you think you are connected to the internet? You mention being connected to a server but that does not necessarily mean you are connected to the internet.

i can browse my internet service provider’s home page. whenever i login to my server, it shows that i have successfully logged in. i’m getting reply from my server after pinging. even i can see my history of intenet usage in my account, but can’t open any website. it alwayas give me the message either “the page can’t be displayed” or “network problem”. i have already asked this problem to my internet service provider but they told me that’s my problem. there is some problem in settings but i don’t get the problem. you please tell me about the changes that i have to make in settings.

I believe you are running a server from home ? if so, make sure apache & php are running via YaST system services ( runlevel editor ) also, if you have a dynamic ip address from your isp,you will need to sign up for free redirects with something like dyndns or no-ip


anand0085 wrote:
> i can browse my internet service provider’s home page. whenever i login
> to my server, it shows that i have successfully logged in. i’m getting
> reply from my server after pinging. even i can see my history of intenet
> usage in my account, but can’t open any website. it alwayas give me the
> message either “the page can’t be displayed” or “network problem”. i
> have already asked this problem to my internet service provider but they
> told me that’s my problem. there is some problem in settings but i don’t
> get the problem. you please tell me about the changes that i have to
> make in settings.

open a terminal, type in and then press enter:


let it run until your prompt shows up and it gets still…

then, type in and hit enter:

traceroute [the address for your ISP's homepage]

BUT, not the entire address, no hhtp, no www, just the
domain.[whatever] like:

then copy all the output and paste it back to here…


i couldn’t understand ur answer, please tell me in briefly

anand0085 wrote:
> i couldn’t understand ur answer, please tell me in briefly

open a terminal, type in and then press enter:


let it run until your prompt shows up and it gets still…

do you know how to open a terminal?
if not, do this:

hold down Alt and press F2, in the popup type


then press enter, a NEW window will pop up.
in that new window type in

traceroute [the address for your ISP’s homepage]

BUT, not the entire address, no hhtp, no www, just the
domain.[whatever] like:

hit enter…

then type in


hit enter…

then copy all the output and paste it back to here…
