Can't open more than 4 videos in VLC!

If I try and open more than 4 videos in VLC, the 5th video just shows a black window that flickers. The size and resolution doesn’t matter. How do I fix this?

OS:  Linux 3.1.10-1.16-desktop x86_64
System:  openSUSE 12.1 (x86_64)
KDE:  4.8.5 (4.8.5) "release 521"

Processor (CPU):   AMD A4-3400 APU with Radeon(tm) HD Graphics
Speed:  2,700.00 MHz
Cores:  2

Total memory (RAM):  11.5 GiB
Free memory:  9.2 GiB (+ 661.6 MiB Caches)
Free swap:  3.8 GiB

Video Vendor:  ATI Technologies Inc
2D driver:  fglrx
3D driver:  ATI

VLC 2.0.4
Accelerated video output (overlay)

“Use GPU accelerated decoding” is unchecked because if I use that it crashes (any idea why and how to fix this?).

I figured it out!

  1. Tools -> Preferences
  2. In lower left, for “show settings” choose “all”
  3. Video -> Output Modules
  4. Change output module from “default” to “X11 video output (XCB)”

That’s it!

On 11/30/2012 04:26 PM, 6tr6tr wrote:
> If I try and open more than 4 videos in VLC, the 5th video just shows a
> black window that flickers. The size and resolution doesn’t matter. How
> do I fix this?

please be more specific with the details of your problem…for example:

  1. do you mean you are running four different videos all at the same

  2. or, you run four videos one at a time and when you try to launch
    the fifth you only get a black window, etc…and, then if you shut down
    and restart VLC (or the DE? or the OS? or what??) then you can run four
    more, but still not the fifth?

in the second case i have no idea…but, it is probably gonna be very

in the first case you just need more more fast video memory, or maybe
system RAM (but, swap space is not gonna help at all–its far too slow),
or more GPU horsepower, or more CPU cores/speed…or more of all four…

> “Use GPU accelerated decoding” is unchecked because if I use that it
> crashes (any idea why and how to fix this?).

does it crash every time you try to use it (as in case 1 above), or only
if you have four running and try to launch a fifth (in case 2)?
