Can't login into Gnome

I normally use kde and xfce. I just installed Gnome 3.4 from the STABLE repository, but when I enter my username and password at the login screen (kdm) and selecting gnome, the screen goes black for a couple of seconds and returns to the login screen. Sometimes I get an error message “failed to load gnome”. My system: opensuse 12.1 x64, my gpu is ati radeon 4870. What I’ve done so far:

adding and removing fglrx driver
removing xorg.conf and .XAuthority
booting into runlevel 3 and nomodeset
booting into failsafe

nothing seems to work. I read some old threads with some similar problems, nothing helped. Any ideas?

I don’t have the definitive answer here, but you might try changing the display manager from kdm to gdm (or perhaps gdm3?) to see if that rectifies the situation. Login to XFCE (or KDE), then set the preferred display manager

YaST>> System >> /etc/sysconfig Editor under Desktop >> Display manager >> DISPLAYMANAGER

When finished, select ‘OK’, and exit. Restart the X-server with CTRL-ALT-Backspace (twice). You’ll be greeted with the gdm login screen instead.

This may also be the cause of your login problem:

hi, and thanks for the reply

it seems that gdm cannot start and crashes. I do a ctrl-alt-f1 and when I try to run gdm, it says:
WARNING **: Failed to acquire org.gnome.DisplayManager
WARNING **: Could not acquire name; bailing out
and returns to the shell. kdm runs properly.

Also, Xserver returns a strange warning, I don’t know if it helps:
fglrx: No matching device section for instance (BusID PCI:0@:1) found

Did you see my last post? (Specifically about checking that gnome-shell is installed).

Yes, gnome-shell was installed.

I downgraded gnome to 3.2 and it works fine. So, the problem is obviously in some of the 3.4 packages. Strange though, since it is a stable repository.

Maybe some of the required packages didn’t install. Anyway, glad that you’re up and running with 3.2. I haven’t touched Gnome for years. :slight_smile: