Can't log in in openSUSE 11.2?

Just before this incident, I was doing things on my VMs and download a iso via torrent.Then a message pop up and was saying :not enough space on device /home/aaa/Downloads/name_of_torrent
And then ,I tried to delete some things and I was pretty sure my partition still had over 30GB so I decided to restart my system to see what will happen.
Whenever I enter my password and hit enter it goes just black and come back to the login screen.

Thank you for your time.

Login to level 3 and start Yast
Picasa Web Albums - caf4926 - YaST level3

Then do this in principle, but you have navigate with the keyboard
Clear Temp Files at Boot

If you can’t do this, get back to us

Well it did work but after a few hours, It stills go back to the same problem and I tried to do it again but same results…Help XD

Can you please clarify if this problem is with a VM or the host OS.
We are slightly in the dark with the info you have provided

Just before this incident, I was doing things on my VMs and download a iso via torrent.
Sounds like you are downloading .iso in a VM

On 2010-08-29 01:06, CodeGTL wrote:
> Well it did work but after a few hours, It stills go back to the same
> problem and I tried to do it again but same results…Help XD

Log in text mode (level 3) and type:

df -h

That will show which partitions are full. If that is the case, create space - use midnight commander
(mc). Find out what is filling the space.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.2 x86_64 “Emerald” GM (Elessar))

Well I didn’t download a .iso in my VM, it was on my Host machine . My VMs was full files but I deleted them.

But is it a 11.2 VM that you can’t login to?
And what is the host, does that have a problem?

The VM is XP , you don’t need to care about that.My host is openSUSE 11.2 which is the one who has the problem.

Ok please show

df -h

On 2010-08-30 00:06, CodeGTL wrote:
> The VM is XP , you don’t need to care about that.My host is openSUSE
> 11.2 which is the one who has the problem.

Use any of these to determine where has gone the disk space - preferably as root:


Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.2 x86_64 “Emerald” GM (Elessar))

Results of df -l :

Filesystem 1k-Blocks Used Available Used Mounted On
/dev/sda6 77410208 73478816 0 100% /

On 2010-08-30 13:06, CodeGTL wrote:
> Results of df -l :
> Filesystem 1k-Blocks Used Available Used Mounted
> On
> /dev/sda6 77410208 73478816 0 100% /

We said “df -h” not “df -l” ie, Hotel, not Lima.

Anyway, disk is full. Ok, now do:

du -hcs /*

it will take a long time, then tell you the sizes of each directory. With that you can determine
which is much bigger than it should. cd to it, and do:

du -hcs *

and so on till you discover the culprit files. Have a look at them to find out which program is
writing them.

Or use “midnight commander” (ie, run “mc”) for the whole process. Menu “command”, “show directory
sIzes” will calculate the size of all the shown directories in the active panel. Navigate and repeat
till you find the culprit. “F3” open the files to have a look. Mark and delete as needed.

Or you could use one of the GUI programs I suggested, but as you don’t have free space to install
anything, stick to text mode.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.2 x86_64 “Emerald” GM (Elessar))

You could also boot from a live CD and inspect, move and delete from there, using GUI tools if you like.

Also, from that live CD, you may want to have a look in /tmp, did it fill up again?