can't launch apps in kde desktop


I don’t know why but now the apps in the plasma desktop KDE are with a no way panel and when i clik on i got an error message free translation " desktop service shoulld be exec ti be launch"

any idea ?


On 11/02/2011 03:06 PM, Enthalpie wrote:
> any idea ?

could you take a screen shot of that error message and post it to please (i understand it won’t be in english, is ok)

and, also please tell us the operating system and version, as well as
the version of KDE in use…

and if it is only one application doing this, please name it…
if more than one please take a screen shot of two of them…

oh! are you trying to click on an icon which you made for the desktop?
is the file specified in the “Command” line of the set up panel, marked
as executable? that is, if you click on that file in (say) Dolphin does
it launch?

or, if you execute it from a command line does it launch?
what is the full path and name of the executable file?

OH! did this used to work but it just stopped working?

openSUSE®, the “German Automobiles” of operating systems


Thank’s for your reply
the URL
SUSE Paste

i use Opensuse 64 bits V 11.4
I have the last update
KDE is 4.6.x
All applications have the same behavior i just put Thunderbird and firefox for exemple but each apps i create are similar

best regards

YES it launch it is only from plasma desktop icon

On 11/02/2011 08:46 PM, Enthalpie wrote:

> ‘SUSE Paste’ (

ok, i do not know how you made those icons on your desktop–but
apparently you made them a wrong way…try this:

  1. right click on the desktop
  2. from the pop up menu select “Unlock Widgets”
  3. go to the main menu (the smiling green lizard head at lower left)
  4. go Applications > Internet > Web Browser > find Firefox and
  5. right click on the application and select “Add to Desktop”
  6. repeat 3, 4, and 5 for what you want to have on your desktop, then
  7. right click on the desktop
  8. from the pop up menu select “Lock Widgets”

oh, and then i guess you need to delete those icons which don’t work…

and, this page may answer some lingering questions:

openSUSE®, the “German Automobiles” of operating systems


what you explain i khow is to put icon on desktop.

What i did , and i did always in the same way is to add icon into the plasma desktop as we can view on picture

fort that i right clic on it
select create a link to apps
select apps command and apps name and apps logo

and now something as changed in plasma properties ? , the link is not working, the apps could not be launch


hmmm…i do not know how to do what you want…

what i do is make a panel on the side and fill it with stuff (firefox,
thunderbird, etc etc etc etc) i want, and then set it to autohide…

actually, i make two side panels, left side is all internet stuff, and
right side is useful things like GIMP, inkscape, LiberOffice, bluefish,
etc etc etc

openSUSE®, the “German Automobiles” of operating systems

Just a thought.

Have you checked the Permissions?

Right click on Icon, select Properties, Permissions tab.

Does, is executable, have a check mark?

I just created a launcher for Songbird and it started up with no problem.

Are you positive you set the link to the correct file?


Yes I have look at permissions and compare with my opther desktop which doesn’t have the problem

So i dont understand what append ?

May be this can help.

when i clic on exec apps in dolphin, kde ask to me what apps should be use, on the “wrong PC” instead of launch it

Looks like something is missing
idea ?


may be for help

the screen error message
SUSE Paste

On 11/03/2011 03:26 PM, Enthalpie wrote:

> the “wrong PC” instead of launch it

these applications on the “wrong PC” which you can’t launch, are they on
the same PC you are using…or on something you are accessing across a
network? or are you running in a VM?

openSUSE®, the “German Automobiles” of operating systems

They are on the same PC.

I have two PC
a laptop (the good one)
and a desktop

what is strange is this work on desktop and after an update of the bios, i got wrong hour on mother board, so /home was unable to be mounted.
I repair with fsck
remount /home everything goes OK. the only problem is for launching apps in plasma desktop or as i saw recently into dolphin


On 11/03/2011 06:56 PM, Enthalpie wrote:
> I repair with fsck
> remount /home everything goes OK. the only problem is for launching
> apps in plasma desktop or as i saw recently into dolphin

might try to delete one of the icons and then completely recreate
it…maybe the new one will work…

i’m thinking that somehow something got scrambled during the bios and
fsck…but, truth is i have no idea what, or way…

very strange…

openSUSE®, the “German Automobiles” of operating systems

of corse i allready did that !

i will try to re install all kde packages ?

On 11/04/2011 09:26 AM, Enthalpie wrote:
> i will try to re install all kde packages ?

i wouldn’t know what to try next…

did you use YaST to add a new test user, log in as that user and see if
you can create an icon that is clickable on your desktop (the way i
described) and then do it the way you did it to make one on the plasma

by the way (i repeat): i do not know how to do that—and, wonder if you
can you point me to a URL link which describes how to make one of those
icon links…

openSUSE®, the “German Automobiles” of operating systems

Yes of corse. you don’t know me, but i try to all comparaison test before posting.
and i got the same problem with a new user !!


It seems that this

error message says that it is necessary that the file ‘/home/bernard/Desktop/firefox.desktop’ has to be executable to be launched.

From this I draw the conclusion that it is not (executable).

Please try the follwing:

  • make a right click on the firefox.desktop icon to open the context menu
  • click on the second tab. It should say something like “autorisation” in french
  • look for a checkbox that should say something like “exécutable” in french and look if it is checked
  • if not check it
  • close the context menu with “OK” to save your settings
  • try to launch firefox

This file shows what I mean:

SUSE Paste

My firefox.desktop file is in german so in french yours should say
“Autorisation” (or similar) at “1.”
“exécutable” at “2.”


I have also tried to copy folder desktop from my laptop to desktop but still have problem
for the rights, i can’t change it files under /home/$user/desktop are alleready 755
SUSE Paste

SUSE Paste

If you observe the first screen shot i have posted

the icon doesn’t work appears with the full file name i mean firefox.desktop.
when i copy desktop folder from my laptop, i saw the only icon working is Suse sysinfo icon and it appears with only name Sysinfo, the “extension” .desktop is not showed ?

May be this can say something to somebody ?
SUSE Paste