Can't install HP printer

I can’t install my HP Printer. When I go in "add a printer"in KDE section I get an error message in red .

I checked if I had HPLip installed and it seems to be ok but even with the hp-setup command it doesn’t work , it does not find the printer.

THe printer is an hp, plugged in USB. The printer works fine with other distros.

Any clue ?

and as root:

Do you want to share it with us? :wink:


Download hplip and in a console in single user (NON ROOT) done
hp-setup address of your network printer (example : hp-setup

If you don’t know the address of his printer, it should be listed in the network menus of your printer screen.
Otherwise done
nmap -v -sn --open
to find her.

The installation is very simple and trivial respecting the whole process.
Bonne installation

Why download? hplip is in the OSS Repo.
Also the printer is collected via USB

I checked if I had HPLip installed and it seems to be ok but even with the hp-setup command it doesn’t work , it does not find the printer.

THe printer is an hp, plugged in USB. The printer works fine with other distros.

zypper in -y hplip
if you prefer

Please read the initial post:


What is the return of in the console?

zypper se hplip

Do you read my first post?
Why not waiting for an answer?


HP Linux Imaging and Printing System (ver. 3.23.3)
Printer/Fax Setup Utility ver. 9.0

Thanks for your answers.

I found the solution thanks to the french forum.
I installed the printer with Yast and it works well.

THank you for your help anyway.