Ok I went to the sound settings and am able to hear the test sound, but when I go on the internet (like youtube videos) I can’t hear those sounds… can someone help please
What sound server are you using? There are known issues with pulseaudio.
What browser?
What version of Flash player?
For my sound on web sites with openSUSE-10.3, KDE-3.5.7 and firefox-3.0.1, I have installed:
- flash-player
- MPlayer
- mplayerplug-in
To install those I first set up my software repositories (in order to make it INCREDIBLY easy to install software updates from 3rd party packagers) per this web page: Repositories - openSUSE-Community and I selected only the repositories from “Update, OSS, NON-OSS and Packman”.
To learn what is available on Packman, explore the Packman web site (which has descriptions of the many 3rd party (Packman packager) packaged software applications): PackMan :: Website
Im not sure what sound system I have, my speakers say Altec Lansing. Ok and from my software manager thingy, I clicked avaible and am downloaing all the avaible off of all of the pull down thingys, except it appear to froze… then I’m going to look in the packman thingy sicne that thingy wasn’t listed in the drop down… thingy. Thanks for trying to help.
Edit: Ok it unfroze, but then it talked about conflict things, and I just randomly clicked a circle with I had to choose between two… then when the apply download things for the software manager is down I’m gonna download the one click thingy from here PackMan :: Informationen zum Paket conky
:( I got lost after the first thingy.
Have a thingy of a time!! :rolleyes:
Ok I can’t edit my post above so I make a new one… Im downloading everything now, about 41 gb left, 0.o that sound about right?
41 gb ? :eek: … Hmm … I hope you have a fast connection.
What did you say you were downloading again? :rolleyes:
Please do not install 41 gb worth of stuff.
It will not solve your problem.
Are you using pulseaudio?
Pulse audio? I dont know… how do I check? And yea I stopped the 40 gb thingy. And I would also like to know how to make stuff a lot easier to install, like that one dude was talking about before, but maybe make it a bit more simpler 0.o Particually the pack man thingy. I think Im doing that right now, I did the one click install from here and so far theres not to many errors or anything… PackMan :: Informationen zum Paket conky.
For one thing, I would like to install free download manager, thats what I use for downloading stuff, so would the packman thing help with that? And other downloads too like online games and video files?
A link to a guide that says excatly what you should do once you installed opensuse would be nice too… like to make it run like windows XP (not vista).
Thanks for ppl who been trying to help
Opps, I meant to edit the above one to save make it open files like windows.
Sry for like posting a lot of times in a row but I can’t edit my post 0.o I found a webiste that seems decently easy to understand (Documentation - openSUSE) but plz tell me if theres anything missing from the guide that would make runing opensuse easier. Thanks ^^, oh and I been download some programs from packman from the software download thingy, I just been downloading on that seems useful of has little penguins going across my screen. Feel free to tell my your favorite applications or useful ones I might have missed. ^^