Can't get wireless to work with 11.1

I first posted this problem mistakenly to the hardware forum. People there were helpful in pointing me to the right forum, which I had not found. If the problem report seems familiar (just in case), this is basically a repost plus a few changes here and there.

It was working fine before I upgraded from 10.2.

The card in question is a zd1211rw USB card wich get detected on first try, but SuSE fails to rename the card’s adapter to eth1.

The card successfully locates my AP and authenticates to it. However, dhclient is called next on an nonexistent interface, and it complains to my log before dying.

That is my diagnosis, here is some aditional info just in case:

Card Type: 802.11b/g USB2 WiFi (wlan0_rename_re)
Controller: zd1211rw
Maker: ZyDAS
ID sysfs: 1-1.4:1.0
Device ID: 201233
Provider ID: 199374
UID: /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/usb_device_ace_1211_noserial_if0

I am using the native driver, not ndiswrapper. I will try it, but it will take me some time getting the windows driver without a network card. I can do it, though. It is just a matter of time.

I will appreciate any help.

vrrivaro wrote:
> I first posted this problem mistakenly to the hardware forum. People
> there were helpful in pointing me to the right forum, which I had not
> found. If the problem report seems familiar (just in case), this is
> basically a repost plus a few changes here and there.
> It was working fine before I upgraded from 10.2.
> The card in question is a zd1211rw USB card wich get detected on first
> try, but SuSE fails to rename the card’s adapter to eth1.
> The card successfully locates my AP and authenticates to it. However,
> dhclient is called next on an nonexistent interface, and it complains to
> my log before dying.

Renaming is handled by /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules. In there you
might place a rule something like:

SUBSYSTEM==“net”, ACTION==“add”, DRIVERS==“zd1211rw”, ATTR{type}==“1”,
KERNEL==“wlan*”, NAME=“eth1”

That should be on one line or have a continuation () as above. You might also
modify any current rules that mention the zd1211rw driver or the MAC address of
your device. If you go with the above rule, delete the others. If there are any
questions, please post the current contents of the file.


Thanks Larry for your prompt reply.

It did not work.

I put the exact line that you suggested and commented out everything else. No cigar.

I found that this line had been the whole time written in the file:

SUBSYSTEM==“net”, DRIVERS=="?*",
ATTR{address}==“00:00:00:00:00:00”, NAME==“eth1”

00:00:00:00:00:00 replace my cards actual MAC, 11:11:11:11:11:11 replaces my AP’s actual MAC.

This is part of the log (which I have to copy it by hand to be able to post it):

kernel: wlan0_rename_re: Rx AssocResp from 11:11:11:11:11:11
(capab=0x401 status=0 aid=4)
kernel: wlan0_rename_re: associated.

dhcpclient: eth1: unknown address type 801
dhcpclient: Bind socket to interface: No such device.
dhcpclient: exiting.

kernel: wlan0_rename_re: authenticate with AP 11:11:11:11:11:11
kernel: wlan0_rename_re: authenticated.

I am not posting the contents of the file because it contained only 3 lines (plus comments and empty lines):

One referred to eth1 and the other two referred to nonexistent interfaces eth0 and eth2.

I commented out all 3 lines. The one which did referred to eth1 I totally replaced by the line you gave me. The other 2 I left out.

Another thing, /sbin/ifconfig reports that eth1 does exist and it is a card of type UNSPEC and hardware address 00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00.

The first 6 hex numbers are my card’s actual MAC. There are two more, and it is finished with 00’s.

Thank you.


vrrivaro wrote:
> Thanks Larry for your prompt reply.
> It did not work.
> I put the exact line that you suggested and commented out everything
> else. No cigar.
> I found that this line had been the whole time written in the file:
> SUBSYSTEM==“net”, DRIVERS=="?*",
> ATTR{address}==“00:00:00:00:00:00”, NAME==“eth1”
> 00:00:00:00:00:00 replace my cards actual MAC, 11:11:11:11:11:11
> replaces my AP’s actual MAC.
> This is part of the log (which I have to copy it by hand to be able to
> post it):
> kernel: wlan0_rename_re: Rx AssocResp from 11:11:11:11:11:11
> (capab=0x401 status=0 aid=4)
> kernel: wlan0_rename_re: associated.
> .
> dhcpclient: eth1: unknown address type 801
> dhcpclient: Bind socket to interface: No such device.
> dhcpclient: exiting.
> .
> kernel: wlan0_rename_re: authenticate with AP 11:11:11:11:11:11
> kernel: wlan0_rename_re: authenticated.
> .
> I am not posting the contents of the file because it contained only 3
> lines (plus comments and empty lines):
> One referred to eth1 and the other two referred to nonexistent
> interfaces eth0 and eth2.
> I commented out all 3 lines. The one which did referred to eth1 I
> totally replaced by the line you gave me. The other 2 I left out.
> Another thing, /sbin/ifconfig reports that eth1 does exist and it is a
> card of type UNSPEC and hardware address
> 00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00.
> The first 6 hex numbers are my card’s actual MAC. There are two more,
> and it is finished with 00’s.

I now understand. Your rules are renaming the master device, which is the one
with more than 6 digits in the MAC address. That pseudo device has type 801,
thus you need to change your rule to be as follows:

SUBSYSTEM==“net”, DRIVERS=="?*", ATTR{type}==1,
ATTR{address}=="<Your devices MAC address>", NAME==“eth1”

The critical part is the ATTR{type}==1 clause. That will skip renaming your
wmaster0 device.


:slight_smile: Excellent! It now works perfectly.

Indeed, it works even better than it ever did on 10.2. On 10.2 I could not connect to the network automatically (I had to connect manually every time), but now I can.

One more question before puting this whole thing to rest. What document(s) do I have to read in order to fully understand this whole thing?

Thank you again.


vrrivaro wrote:
> :slight_smile: Excellent! It now works perfectly.
> Indeed, it works even better than it ever did on 10.2. On 10.2 I could
> not connect to the network automatically (I had to connect manually
> every time), but now I can.
> One more question before puting this whole thing to rest. What
> document(s) do I have to read in order to fully understand this whole
> thing?

I have never seen a writeup for udev. I had a problem with a device in 10.3 and
had to learn what to do. Not many people change the “normal” rename to wlanX and
there has been very little trouble with this system in 11.1.


Larry said:

I have never seen a writeup for udev. I had a problem with a device in 10.3 and
had to learn what to do.

Thanks for your help.

Maybe not for specifically written for SuSE, but general Linux related information on this subject is easy to find the web.

udev - Wikipedia the free enciclopedia
Writing udev rules

Not many people change the “normal” rename to wlanX and
there has been very little trouble with this system in 11.1.

Strange, I didn’t change anything.

Oh, well…


vrrivaro wrote:
> Strange, I didn’t change anything.

Did you upgrade to 11.1 or do a clean install?


I upgraded.

vrrivaro wrote:
> I upgraded.

The wrong rule was left behind in the upgrade.


The easiest way is to delete/move the file

/etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules (as root)

and run (also as root)

udevadm trigger

or reboot the machine (as this file will be automatically generated by udev on startup).