Can't get VNC to work

Hi, I have vnc running, but I can’t change the startup script to use a different desktop manager. I can’t tell if it has anything to do with it being TightVNC or not. I can’t find information regarding VNC (which I want) and guides are cryptic/don’t work 100%. Any help would be appreciated.

I’d like to set the default to KDE and log in via internet which I can do via url. Unfortunately, I’m not exprienced with remoting in as well:shame: VNC is enabled and config script is listed below.

Visited: VNC HOWTO - openSUSE

Version: 11.3
Default X: KDE (Installed Fluxbox, lxde, xfce)

[startup script]


xrdb $HOME/.Xresources
xsetroot -solid grey
xterm -geometry 80x24+10+10 -ls -title “$VNCDESKTOP Desktop” &

kde-session &

If there’s a better alternative to VNC, (like a GUI, gasp, that would be awesome).

I can recommend this howto here by Swerdna (a forum administrator here). I originally used that to get VNC working on both KDE and Gnome for openSUSE 11.2 and 11.3. Once it works using vncviewer, a part of tightvnc, you can try the client GUI KRDC via openSUSE KDE kickoff menu>Applications>System>Remote Access>KRDC.

Thanks a bunch. Everything is looking good so far. If there’s trouble, I’ll probably start a new since I’ll be gone a few days.

You’re very welcome. Before starting a new thread, it may be worth searching the forum for previous VNC issues, but do return if you need help with any. :slight_smile: