Cant get modem to work in opensuse 13.2

there is no modem configuration in yast , for old dial up modems .
is there anything that i can do to get that back on my computer ?

There hasn’t been for years, and not really needed for configuration anyway. If your modem device is supported by the kernel, then you can use a dialling utility to connect with. There is wvdial for CLI, KDE has a graphical utility called qinternet, although I’m not sure what is available for Gnome these days. Anyway, the first step is to identify your hardware. (Be warned that many computers have built-in modems which are actually winmodems, for the most part unsupported in a Linux environment.)

These commands might help with discovering the hardware (if in-built)

 /usr/sbin/hwinfo --modem
/sbin/lspci -nnk
  • Try to identify the output block corresponding to the modem

For USB hardware, do


Sorry, I need to correct myself - there is a YasT > Hardware > Modem utility in openSUSE 13.1 (though I’ve never needed it). Has it been removed with openSUSE 13.2? ( Anyway, the rest of what I said stands.

The modem shows up in kinfocenter , so there is no problem with that and its a realmodem that worked under 13.1 .
i used wvdial , smpppd and quinternet , but these are not in 13.2
Yast does not have a modem setup utility in 13.2 , is there any way to get one ?

Good. It’s always useful to tell these things right from the start, so we’re not left to guess.

i used wvdial , smpppd and quinternet , but these are not in 13.2

Yes, there is. (Although, I’m not sure if it’s on install DVD or not, so you may need to download with a machine connected to the internet first.)

and there is a graphical front-end ‘qtwvdialer’ available too.

Yast does not have a modem setup utility in 13.2 , is there any way to get one ?

You don’t need it anyway.

i put in qinternet , smpppd and wvdial . when i use qinternet to set up the modem with yast2 it just brings me to setup a network card
and not a modem .

  1. First, wvdial does not require smpppd. If you want to use wvdial, you start by configuring with wvdialconf, which creates /etc/wvdial.conf, and this config file can be manually edited with the connection parameters required. I can guide you through this process if required. Once you get connected, we can work on getting the graphical front-end (qtwvdialer) working if you like.

This might be enough to get you connected

  1. When configuring with qinternet, it does start the yast network configuration module - is the modem module not present?

the modem configuration module is not present .

Okay. Do you need dial-up for internet connectivity? Are you happy to proceed with using wvdial?

Some digging around revealed that modem support has been dropped from yast2-network, and moved to yast2-dialup (available from GitHub)
It is an unmaintained module now.

sorry for not replying for a few days . i was busy reinstalling 13.1 . the easy solution would be for me to finally get broadband internet , but the cable companies are too shady here in the states … we don’t need to get into that topic here . thanks for the help .

On 11/17/2014 05:56 AM, prudereid wrote:
> deano_ferrari;2676470 Wrote:
>> Some digging around revealed that modem support has been dropped from
>> yast2-network, and moved to yast2-dialup (available from GitHub)
>> It is an unmaintained module now.
> sorry for not replying for a few days . i was busy reinstalling 13.1 .
> the easy solution would be for me to finally get broadband internet ,
> but the cable companies are too shady here in the states … we don’t
> need to get into that topic here . thanks for the help .

Call your local land line provider and see if they offer DSL. I avoid
cable companies as well.

+ - dropped modem configuration support
+- dropped parts were moved into newly created package yast2-dialup
+ which is available at github

So just like that, modems are done with? Did I miss a request for comment where people were asked if anyone still thought it should be supported?

So what about us dialup people? When Microsoft became such a pain with their Terms Of Spying requiring connection validation and sending of information, Linux had the beauty of supplying an option for people who have no options other than a phone line. I asked a phone tech what the possibility of getting high speed internet out here was. He said, not a chance! So the only option would be satellite at over 700 a year.

I had trouble in the past trying to get connected with dialup and qinternet was what worked for me. Now it’s gone. I found it in home:/plater but needed smpppd. I copied that from 13.1, but I get a message to the effect that the modem is not set up. No modem setup.

I don’t understand how to find it in github. How do we poor modem users get connected? Where can we put in a request to maintain the dialup modem support?

On Mon 02 Mar 2015 06:16:01 PM CST, dt30 wrote:


    • dropped modem configuration support
      ± dropped parts were moved into newly created package yast2-dialup
  • which is available at github

So just like that, modems are done with? Did I miss a request for
comment where people were asked if anyone still thought it should be

So what about us dialup people? When Microsoft became such a pain with
their Terms Of Spying requiring connection validation and sending of
information, Linux had the beauty of supplying an option for people who
have no options other than a phone line. I asked a phone tech what the
possibility of getting high speed internet out here was. He said, not a
chance! So the only option would be satellite at over 700 a year.

I had trouble in the past trying to get connected with dialup and
qinternet was what worked for me. Now it’s gone. I found it in
home:/plater but needed smpppd. I copied that from 13.1, but I get a
message to the effect that the modem is not set up. No modem setup.

I don’t understand how to find it in github. How do we poor modem users
get connected? Where can we put in a request to maintain the dialup
modem support?

That’s just in YaST, there are tools there to setup a modem,
modem-manager-gui, looks like there are some KDE tools as well.

Cheers Malcolm °¿° LFCS, SUSE Knowledge Partner (Linux Counter #276890)
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12 GNOME 3.10.1 Kernel 3.12.36-38-default
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please show your appreciation and click on the star below… Thanks!

Never used this,but it’s description seems to refer to mobile broadband modems.

@dt30:The absence of qinternet for openSUSE 13.2 seems like a mistake to be. It is available from official repos in 13.1 and Tumbleweed. In any case, it’s the same package version (qinternet-0.75_git200910271200-18.4.1), so can be installed without issue in openSUSE 13.2.

On Mon 02 Mar 2015 07:16:01 PM CST, deano ferrari wrote:

malcolmlewis;2697852 Wrote:
> Hi
> That’s just in YaST, there are tools there to setup a modem,
> modem-manager-gui, looks like there are some KDE tools as well.
Never used this,but it’s description seems to refer to mobile broadband

@dt30:The absence of qinternet for openSUSE 13.2 seems like a mistake to
be. It is available from official repos in 13.1 and Tumbleweed. In any
case, it’s the same package version
(qinternet-0.75_git200910271200-18.4.1), so can be installed without
issue in openSUSE 13.2.

You can select pppd rather than network manager so if the device is
there, it should work?

I would grab the 13.2 build from

since it’s a link to the development version.

Cheers Malcolm °¿° LFCS, SUSE Knowledge Partner (Linux Counter #276890)
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12 GNOME 3.10.1 Kernel 3.12.36-38-default
If you find this post helpful and are logged into the web interface,
please show your appreciation and click on the star below… Thanks!

I had downloaded qinternet, smpppd, wvdial, wvstreams. But there’s no option available to dial-in, since it’s not configured, since there’s no modem configuration in Yast. I had put in a bug report, but received a response back about not having the man power to support modems anymore. And an offer to me to maintain the module! Well, I don’t even know how to create a Hello World program for OpenSUSE, although there’s no reason I couldn’t learn. For all I know, when I was initially having problems with video drivers, I may have compiled the entire operating system. I just don’t understand / know. Learning the modem compilation just would require some time, but there’s a lot more than not knowing how to compiling a program. The way I understand Linux is that most everything is a file. So, it should follow that for Yast to Configure a modem, it merely creates files. I just don’t understand how it works. I see IF-up and down and a bunch of scripts interacting, and I really haven’t much of a clue. Maybe looking at the source code would help, or is there other things going on too?

Anyone have an idea of how it could be manually configured so that qinternet could see a modem to dial in?

This would only be a patch, as modem life length is limited. It appears each day that programmers are adding more and more bloat to their web pages so that you have to wait a very long time for some sites to load their first screen. I’ve already turned off images and third party junk in my browser, and it helped in the past. But now there’s nothing else to eliminate. Web pages are quite ugly in my world…

I’ve looked at verizon and at&t hotspots. I tried searching here for verizon, but didn’t find much. And having never had anything but a modem, what is required to make it work, does OpenSUSE “just work” with wireless hotspots? Are there hotspots with wired connections? If not, will an USB converter to wireless work? Any compatibility issues?

I am actually using a manually configured wvdial alone to achieve a GSM modem connection. The downside is I had to disable networkmanager altogether which doesn’t hurt me since i am only using that config in remote areas.
The command “wvdial gsm” (as root) gets me connected.

/etc/wvdial.conf for this connection:

[Dialer gsm]
Modem = /dev/ttyACM0
ISDN = off
Modem Type = ACM Modem
Baud = 460800
Init = ATZ
Init2 = ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0
Init4 = AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","APN"
Phone = *99#
Dial Prefix =
Dial Attempts = 1
Dial Command = ATDT
Ask Password = off
Password = pass
Username = user
Auto Reconnect = on
Abort on Busy = off
Carrier Check = on
Check Def Route = on
Abort on No Dialtone = on
Idle Seconds = 0
Auto DNS = on
Minimize = on

You will need to adjust device name, user, pass, init strings, dial string, etc. to make it work for you.

Well, wvdial creates/uses it’s own configuration file /etc/wvdial.conf, and qinternet uses /etc/sysconfig/network/ eg icfg-modem0 and a provider config in /etc/sysconfig/providers/

Anyone have an idea of how it could be manually configured so that qinternet could see a modem to dial in?

Well, it is possible to manually configure, but a little tedious. For example, my 3G device (usually controlled by Network Manager), can be launched via qinternet using the following ‘icfg-modem0’ configuration

INIT2='AT Q0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0'

and the provider config ‘Xtra’ looks like

PRODUCT='Xtra dialup'
PROVIDER='Xtra dialup'

For wvdial, you can generate a basic config using the ‘wvdialconf’ utility, then edit it as necessary. The first step is to run it and see if it can detect your modem.


I still don’t understand it all, and doubt I could do it from scratch. I see qinternet using wvdial, but it doesn’t use wvdial.conf so that had confused me in the past. I copied over ifcfg-modem0, seeing it requires providers/provider0. I booted up 13.2 and saw it dialed in! However, it just seemed to hang and couldn’t quite get everything finished. So after booting back to 13.1, I noticed in the modem log at the very end it said, Script /etc/ppp/ip-up finished. The nice thing about having multiple operating systems is I can look at the the one and compare what’s missing in the other. So then I compared /etc/ppp between the two and added ip-up, ip-down, poll.tcpip. Not sure if I need poll.tcpip, but figured the up and down made sense. Booted back again, dialed, and it got fully connected! Thanks so much for everyone’s help.

Unfortunately, this doesn’t make me an expert and make me feel I could maintain it. This is just the script interaction part and not the actual code of qinternet. Lots of things happening, and looking at the script, not sure how this affects any security today, or in the future. I would assume using an old script could eventually lead to issues after the operating system adds other security measures and network interactions. But for now, it looks like it works.

I’m looking at getting some cellular hotspot type of thing. Then I can say, “why would someone use dial-up”! But trying to figure out what’s compatible with Linux is hard. I found some wireless compatibility sites, but trying to match with what’s available for sale is not working well. Any advice as to whether a PCI card or USB wireless and what brands work best would be appreciated.