Can't find Oxygen Theme

Trying to install the Oxygen theme.

I went to and did a search for Oxygen. I was presented with a page that showed a number of choices for downloading and installing the Oxygen theme. I chose the one I wanted and tried the one click method and it failed. So, I tried the expert Download option and was presented with a page that said to run (as root):

zypper addrepo

Zypper gave me an error message stating that there was no such directory.

UNIVAC:~ # zypper addrepo
File '/repositories/openSUSE:Factory/standard/openSUSE:Factory.repo' not found on medium ''
Abort, retry, ignore? [a/r/i/...? shows all options] (a): 
Problem encountered while trying to read the file at the specified URI:
ABORT request: Aborting requested by user
 - File '/repositories/openSUSE:Factory/standard/openSUSE:Factory.repo' not found on medium ''

So I went to

and tried both Factory and Factory: and there is no standard directory shown. It seems the the directory structure has changed.

Anyone know where the Oxygen Theme “stuff” is located? Besides really disliking flat icons, I have become reliant on the glow around the windows and can’t find any other theme that allows it.


It’s in the main OSS repository.

I’ve checked in YaST, just looking for the correct zypper command which shows the repo…

Edit: This one?

**pluto:~ #** zypper se "oxygen" 
Loading repository data... 
Reading installed packages... 

S | Name                                        | Summary                                                           | Type 
  | apache2-icons-oxygen                        | Oxygen icons for Apache 2                                         | package 
  | doxygen                                     | Automated C, C++, and Java Documentation Generator                | package 
  | gtk2-engine-oxygen                          | Oxygen GTK 2.x Theme Engine                                       | package 
  | gtk2-engine-oxygen-32bit                    | Oxygen GTK 2.x Theme Engine                                       | package 
  | gtk2-theme-oxygen                           | Oxygen GTK 2.x Theme                                              | package 
  | kde-oxygen-fonts                            | A desktop/gui font family for integrated use with the KDE desktop | package 
  | kdebase4-workspace-liboxygenstyle           | The Libraries of the oxygen-style                                 | package 
  | kdebase4-workspace-liboxygenstyle-32bit     | The Libraries of the oxygen-style                                 | package 
  | kdebase4-workspace-liboxygenstyle-debuginfo | Debug information for package kdebase4-workspace-liboxygenstyle   | package 
  | libreoffice-icon-theme-oxygen               | Oxygen LibreOffice Icon Theme (KDE4 default)                      | package 
  | libreoffice-icon-theme-oxygen               | Oxygen LibreOffice Icon Theme (KDE4 default)                      | srcpackage 
  | oxygen-icon-theme                           | Oxygen Icon Theme                                                 | package 
  | oxygen-icon-theme                           | Oxygen Icon Theme                                                 | srcpackage 
  | oxygen-icon-theme-large                     | Oxygen Icon Theme                                                 | package 
  | oxygen-icon-theme-scalable                  | Oxygen Icon Theme                                                 | package 
  | oxygen4-cursors                             | The KDE Workspace Cursors                                         | package 
  | oxygen5                                     | Oxygen style, KWin decoration, cursors and sounds                 | package 
  | oxygen5                                     | Oxygen style, KWin decoration, cursors and sounds                 | srcpackage 
  | oxygen5-cursors                             | The KDE Plasma Workspace Cursors                                  | package 
  | oxygen5-debugsource                         | Debug sources for package oxygen5                                 | package 
  | oxygen5-decoration                          | Oxygen's KWin decoration                                          | package 
  | oxygen5-decoration-debuginfo                | Debug information for package oxygen5-decoration                  | package 
i | oxygen5-icon-theme                          | Oxygen Icon Theme                                                 | package 
  | oxygen5-icon-theme                          | Oxygen Icon Theme                                                 | srcpackage 
i | oxygen5-icon-theme-large                    | Oxygen Icon Theme                                                 | package 
  | oxygen5-icon-theme-scalable                 | Oxygen Icon Theme                                                 | package 
  | oxygen5-lang                                | Translations for package oxygen5                                  | package 
i | oxygen5-sounds                              | The KDE Plasma Workspace Sounds                                   | package 
  | oxygen5-style                               | Oxygen style                                                      | package 
  | oxygen5-style-32bit                         | Oxygen style                                                      | package 
  | oxygen5-style-debuginfo                     | Debug information for package oxygen5-style                       | package 
  | plasma-theme-oxygen                         | The Oxygen Plasma Theme                                           | package 
i | yast2-theme-oxygen                          | YaST2 - Oxygen icon theme                                         | package

I think it should be the very standard

Sure enough! I use yast to make my settings, and oxygen was not shown. I did a web search and found the information I showed. Based on your findings, I tried Software Management and there it was! I should have done that first!

Thanks for straightening me out. The good thing is I learned a new (to me) zypper command! :slight_smile:


When I use YaST > Software > Software Management and use oxygen in the Search field, I get the same list as shown above. I do not know what you did (because you never explained except the vague " I use yast to make my settings, and oxygen was not shown", but what I did looks rather obvious to me.