Can't find Kiwi

Hi I installed kiwi in Suse 11.2 and can’t find it, can someone tell me how to find and use it.


I haven’t installed it, but I imagine bringing up Alt+f2 then typing kiwi and hitting enter will work…?

Or you can just type kiwi at the command line…

stormbay wrote:
> Hi I installed kiwi in Suse 11.2 and can’t find it, can someone tell me
> how to find and use it.

is that “SLED 11 SP2” or “SLES 11 SP2” or is that “openSUSE 11.2”

as far as i know there is no Suse 11.2 anything…

what is “kiwi”?
i get 52,000 hits at google/linux for “kiwi”

  1. a thin client?

  2. a anti-virus?

  3. an Ubuntu derivative?

gimme a hint please!!

how did you install it?

i ask, because if you installed it with YaST, i’d expect it to be in
your menu


Kiwi is supposedly a cloning software for Opensuse, I downloaded it through the package manager but can’t find it anywhere.

Build Service/KIWI - openSUSE

It seems it’s not your average package and you may have to build it or something. I just thought there may be some who have set it up and can tel me how to do the same easily, but maybe I’m wrong.

My experience with opensuse has been great, but support and help seems almost non existent and almost closed shop, compared to the enthusiastic help you get with Ubuntu and other distros.

stormbay wrote:
> Kiwi is supposedly a cloning software for Opensuse, I downloaded it
> through the package manager but can’t find it anywhere.

well, i had never heard of it before but i did read the FAQ and can
see why you find it in your menu…i bet if you read the documentation
provided on the page you cited you will get along fine with
it…but, i know i have no need for it, at all and i reckon it is
mostly for software developers…are you one?

there is also listed on that URL the address for a mail list for both
KIWI developers and users…so, i’d ask you next KIWI questions
there…at the very least most there will not have to wonder if it is
a thin-client, Ubuntu distro or what!!

> My experience with opensuse has been great, but support and help seems
> almost non existent and almost closed shop, compared to the enthusiastic
> help you get with Ubuntu and other distros.

well, you need to use the software you are most happy with…

and, calling this a “closed shop” after asking rather than reading
the page you had in front of you is…well…is just testament to
how little you have read here, try this to UN-close yourself:

while looking at this answer in the forum, look to the left and see
“Wiki”, click on that.

from there you can link to several sources:

-on the left are links for:
--Documentation with links to
---User Documentation (installable *on* your system)
--Support Database
--Support, with links to
---Mailing lists (for several subjects and in many languages)

-Official openSUSE Documentation:

and, there are multiple other net based resources…a few of those are:

and, the information on generic (ie, non-openSUSE) Linux is both
staggering, and indispensable as it is the BASICS which with some
exceptions apply to all distributions, a few of my favorites are:

Rute User’s Tutorial and Exposition
Linux Knowledge Base/Tutorial
Tille’s Site

Linux Documentation Project
Linux Documentation Project/Guides
with links to

  • Introduction to Linux - A Hands on Guide
  • Bash Guide for Beginners
  • Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide
  • GNU/Linux Command-Line Tools Summary
  • The Linux System Administrators’ Guide
  • Pocket Linux Guide
  • Linux Dictionary
  • Linux From Scratch
  • Securing & Optimizing Linux: The Ultimate Solution
  • The Linux Network Administrator’s Guide, Second Edition
  • Linux Administrator’s Security Guide
  • Linux System Administration Made Easy
  • and others

FLOSS Manuals
The Easiest Linux Guide You’ll Ever Read

and, do not forget

oh, and i think Novell and many others have accredited and industry
recognized courses available, maybe online…i have no idea how good
they are, how much they cost or if you would be happy with the price…

but, don’t expect us to enthusiastically do your reading for you…if
that is what they do in Ubuntu forums, and you like that, then . . .


I did read through the whole lot and understand it’s more for developers, I was asking if anyone had used it and I have asked questions to the developers, but non reply to 4 requests in more than 3 weeks.

I don’t have a problem using Ubuntu and other distros, I’ve been using linux for a few years. Other distros are easy to get around in and learn. I always leave seeking help until I’ve made my own searches and come to dead ends.

But as you clearly haven’t heard of “Kiwi” and a mere mortal like I have. it appears It’s not me who haven’t done their opensuse reading. All I’m trying to do is make live Iso’s of my opensuse system which I can distribute to friends as I do with Ubuntu, it’s the best backup and easiest way to save your system.

With an arrogant attitude like yours, I can understand why people stick to inferior software called windows. You’d turn anyone off.

Kiwi isn’t backup/cloning software. It is used to create live CD images. For this purpose, SUSE Studio is a better way to go. It’s much easier and faster to use than Kiwi.

Look in Yast](

stormbay wrote:
> I did read through the whole lot … With an arrogant attitude like yours,

with an attitude like mine i found your answer (FOR you) in about two
minutes (once i knew what you meant by “kiwi”) with a google search
string like “ kiwi faq”

try it, kiwi faq - Google Suche

then click on the first hit and see the first question gives the
answer you sought…

Q: Is there a GUI for KIWI ?

-there is YaST module for kiwi called Image Creator providing
graphical interaction
-SUSE Studio is a web based front end for Kiwi.

you can get mad and attack me if want…or you could choose to learn
some googleFU…the choice is yours alone.

having left the kiddie M$ and Ubundu crowd you will do yourself well
to become familiar with How To Ask Questions The Smart Way


Thanks, but I want to make a live CD with all my files in it, not just an OS. I’ve tried Suse studio and it’s great, but I don’t believe it can include all my files, just the OS you make up. Please correct me if I am wrong, but you can customise your own OpenSuse distro without downloading anything and you can do it every day if you want and make live cd’s from it. That’s what I want to do, then if I stuff it experimenting with OpenSuse, all I have to do is load my live CD of the system before I stuffed it.

Thanks, tried that many times, I’ve even installed everything in the repositories relating to Kiwi and still cant find it. But I’ll keep trying.

Thanks, but I’ve already been through the pages you’ve linked to the documentation and many more, downloaded the repositories and installed what every relates to Kiwi. Had a go at Suse studio and downloaded what I’d made, but it still doesn’t include my files or any little changes I’ve made.

After all that, I still can’t find Kiwi in Yast nor by searching. That’s what I’ve been saying all along, it’s all installed but not to be found. So I had hoped someone else has used Kiwi and may know how to overcome my problem.

It’s probably something really simple, but thanks again.

In Kiwi, you will have to download the packages and updates. You can also use the DVD, assuming you have that, but Kiwi doesn’t copy the content off your hard disk. As for adding files in SUSE Studio, this is what the Overlay Files tab is for.

stormbay wrote:
> Hi I installed kiwi in Suse 11.2 and can’t find it, can someone tell me
> how to find and use it.

ok, you asked on 16 Jan “how to find and use kiwi” and were still
looking for that answer on 17 Jan, but added some info so that now it
is clear your actual questions are:

Q1. how to make an exact and complete copy of a working system (in
case it is killed by accident, so one could rebuild and get back to
the system which worked)?

A1. use a full system backup program/plan, there are hundreds
(thousands?) of those available and well documented… [sorry, i can’t
recommend the one best for you, it might be the one inside YaST…i
use rsync]

Q2. how to make an exact copy of my system onto a bootable CD/DVD that
i could give to my friends?

A2. that depends on how big your system is and whether or not a CD or
DVD could hold it all…if it could, i personally do not know how to
get the system there AND make it bootable…

i mean you tar your system to any media (tape/CD/DVD/USB hard
drive/etc) but i don’t how to then make it bootable without actually
restoring to a bootable drive…

and, then i don’t how one could expect a friends (say) Intel with a
nvidia graphics card to be able to run your system based on a ATI
graphics and AMD CPU…etc etc etc

i think you could only share it with those friends who had exactly
the same hardware, CPU, RAM, etc etc etc…

but, you say Ubuntu has such a way to make CD/DVDs to pass around?
what do they call it? how does it work?

sounds pretty cool to me…why don’t you enter it into openFATE as a
new wanted feature we would like to have also…read about how to ask
for new features here:

and actually log it into here:

be sure and mention how it is done in Ubuntu and what they call
it…because my guess is it shouldn’t be too difficult to adapt
Ubuntu’s open source program to work in openSUSE :wink: and, with some
luck we might have it in 11.3 or 12.0 !!


Yep that’s right, I’ve solved it externally by using a Clonezilla live CD to make a bootable ISO of my OpenSuse partition. I will have to see if it works properly on different hardware, but the live Dvd’s I make of Ubuntu have so far worked on every machine no matter what they are, including laptops.

The software for Ubuntu is “Remastersys” Remastersys-Ubuntu
which works from inside Ubuntu unlike “Clonezilla” and “Partimage” which works from live cd/Usb’s. I asked the creator of Remastersys if there was a version for Opensuse and he said I was the first to ask, but present plans were only for a new Debian versions until a few more asked or helped develop it.

I’ll check out the FATE pages and look through them before adding this as it may be there already. Thanks.

that is really cool…i’m happy to know about that and have made a
note of how to do it, so next time i see the Q. i have an A.


In case someone really wants to know how to use kiwi, I am showing the basic method of using kiwi.

Go to Install Software, and select the packages “kiwi”, “kiwi-isoboot”, “kiwi-config-Opensuse”, “kiwi-usbboot” and “kiwi-doc” to install them.

When installation is complete, you may open the shell, log in to root by using “su”, and then type kiwi. You will find that the system recognises the command.

To learn about properly using kiwi, go to the directory /usr/share/doc/packages/kiwi/ (if you have installed kiwi-doc), or the link;a=blob;f=doc/kiwi.pdf to read its documentation. And if you need further help, please take a look at kiwi-users’ mailing list.