Cant find glfw3

Where can I find the “package” glfw3, I’m on TW and can’t find the package anywhere in any repo? I it to build some src. I see there’s src packages but no binay packages?

Package ‘glfw3’, required by ‘virtual:world’, not found

@Neal Hi, search on glfw :wink: You need;

python311-glfw   | A ctypes-based wrapper for GLFW3

That doesn’t work, I tried it and get the same error. I think that is some python specific wrapper and not the actual glfw3 binary. Thanks for the reply though.

Is the glfw development package installed?

This is what I’m saying …no it’s not installed because I can’t find it. Perhaps in a specific repo that maybe I don’t have? I see glfw2 but not three.

zypper search -s glfw |grep dev
| glfw2-devel | package | 2.7.6-3.150 | x86_64 | Opensuse-TW-games
| glfw2-devel | package | 2.7.6-1.35 | x86_64 | Main Repository (OSS)
| glfw2-devel | package | 2.7.6-3.150 | i586 | Opensuse-TW-games
| libglfw-devel | package | 3.3.8-44.35 | x86_64 | Opensuse-TW-games
| libglfw-devel | package | 3.3.8-2.3 | x86_64 | Main Repository (OSS)
| libglfw-devel | package | 3.3.8-44.35 | i586 | Opensuse-TW-games

This one :wink: Having the games repo could be an issue…