Cant find any disk after upgrading to 11.3


After upgrading openSUSE 11.1 to 11.3 boot fails with:

Could not find /dev/disk/by-id/scsi-SATA_SAMSUNG_xxxxxx.part_2
Want me to fail back to /dev/disk/by-id/… (Y/n)

and then I am stuck in console-mode

when checking /dev directory there is no “/dev/disk” subdirectory, and no /dev/sdxx entries.

Booting with install-cd in rescue mode the entries are theree, and its posible to mount all disks.

What to do ?

Help pleese !

/Pär Högberg

Similar experinence !
After upgrading from 11.2 to 11.3 I can not boot from hard disk.
“Non-System disk or disk error…”

Is it an install DVD or a CD? If it’s a DVD you can run it again so that it repairs the bootloader, but only if it’s the DVD. So which is it, CD or DVD?

It’s the NET-CD

tqr wrote:
> After upgrading openSUSE 11.1 to 11.3 boot fails with:

did you upgrade directly from 11.1 to 11.3? did you do that by doing a
format and install 11.3 over 11.1 (saving and protecting /home and
data) or how did you do it??

i ask because upgrading to 11.3 is only supported from 11.2

if you did it the unsupported way you probably now need to backup your
/home and data and do a fresh install-- OR, i believe (someone correct
me if i’m wrong) you could do an upgrade from 11.1 to 11.2 and then to

oh wait: i don’t think you can now do that and have a dependable
system because i have no idea the current situation of your system,
and i highly doubt trying to lay 11.2 over a mismatch of 11.1 and
11.3 is gonna work…

your best path:
backup /home data
format install 11.3 electing to retain the current /home
restore data that is outside of /home

CAVEAT: [posted via NNTP w/openSUSE 10.3]

swerdna wrote:
> Is it an install DVD or a CD? If it’s a DVD you can run it again so
> that it repairs the bootloader, but only if it’s the DVD. So which is
> it, CD or DVD?

i think the question at this point is: Why/how did grub get bent? and
i think it is because of the upgrade from 11.1 to 11.3

CAVEAT: [posted via NNTP w/openSUSE 10.3]

adamed wrote:
> Similar experinence !
> After upgrading from 11.2 to
11.3 I can not boot from hard disk.
> Message:
> “Non-System disk or disk

This might be a different problem.
When you installed, did you
check where the machine was set to boot from?
I had a similar problem
with a laptop. For some reason neither MBS nor /boot were set on by
default. I could not boot at all so I reinstalled and made sure it would
boot from the MBS - I checked the “enable” link in one of the dialogs
where it shows all that is going to happen when you install (sorry for the
poor description but I cannot remember the title of that installation

For sure there must be a faster way than doing this other than
reinstalling, but I had no time to search for it and reinstalling took
about 20-odd min anyway.


I booted from the CD, selected “Upgrade” on question install/upgrade, default on all other questions.

And, Yes, directly from 11.1