Can't Connect to internet in openSUSE 11.3

So I can’t connect to the internet using openSUSE 11.3… It was working fine after I installed it and updated and did some stuff yesterday and today but now it is recognizing the network and saying it is connected but when I try to load the browser it says I can’t connect. I haven’t done anything except go to my girlfriends house and use her network for awhile then come home and it wont let me connect. Windows lets me connect though im using it now. Using openSUSE 11.3 KDE

                 So I can't connect to the internet using openSUSE 11.3.. It was  working fine after I installed it and updated and did some stuff  yesterday and today but now it is recognizing the network and saying it  is connected but when I try to load the browser it says I can't connect.  I haven't done anything except go to my girlfriends house and use her  network for awhile then come home and it wont let me connect. Windows  lets me connect though im using it now. Using openSUSE 11.3 KDE                 

You must tell us more about your network hardware. Do you know the brand and chipset? Is it built-in and if so, what is the brand and model of your computer? I did have some odd problems with Realtek network chipset where it would work at first like when I installed openSUSE, but not later. It was a dual boot system with Windows. If I turned the computer OFF and then back on, it would work. If I ran Windows first and then openSUSE it would not work. I found that when looking at the network Link light, it was just pulsing when it would not work, as if unable to determine the proper network speed. It was rated at 1 Ghz speed, but I had to force it to use 100 mb to be reliable all of the time. Just some thoughts on the subject

Thank You,

I am using a IBM Thinkpad x61 Lenovo. I am not positive on the chipset but I think its this Intel Wireless Wifi Link 4965AG. I don’t think I changed anything except for download Visual Basic 2010 Express in windows. And when I got home and tried to log on it says it is connected but browser cant connect.

Please post the output of this commands here:

route -n
cat /etc/resolv.conf

Best regards,

Alright I will post back in a few minutes I have to log into linux and run these then come back to windows. Thanks.

I tried to take picture of what came up in the screen withh my phone so sorry for the ****** pictures.

1st picture is /sbin/ifconfig
2nd is route -n
3rd is /etc/resolv.config

Tell us more about your wireless router. The Address of would require some kind of intervention to create. Of course, 192.168.???.??? is very common, but often the last number is a 1 and not 143 as in 192.168.???.1.

Thank You,

Well I am not at my house now but I am using linux and it connected. I thought of the only thing I had done was install the NetBeans packages so I went and uninstalled them and this is the first time I have tried since. I don’t want to waste anybody elses time if that was it(installing the NetBeans packages). Ill post back when I get home later tonight and see if it loads at my house. If not I will proceed to analyze my router, etc. Thanks for the help so far jdmcdaniel.

Well I am not at my house now but I am using linux and it connected. I thought of the only thing I had done was install the NetBeans packages so I went and uninstalled them and this is the first time I have tried since. I don’t want to waste anybody elses time if that was it(installing the NetBeans packages). Ill post back when I get home later tonight and see if it loads at my house. If not I will proceed to analyze my router, etc. Thanks for the help so far jdmcdaniel.
You are very welcome Shea68 and please let us know if you are still having any problems.

Thank You,

The output from the pictures You have attached seems valid. Unfortunately I can’t see anything on the most important in this case 3rd picture. Next time keep in mind that You don’t have to make pictures. Just select the output right click and copy :slight_smile: It will be easier for You and easier for us to read. Don’t forget to wrap the output with code tags in your post. That way it will be even easier to read. Here’s a tutorial on how to do this :
Posting in Code Tags - A Guide

Best regards,

Lol yeah I know how to throw it into codes the problem was I wasn’t sure if when i copied on linux then rebooted to windows if it would remember the data to paste. So I took pictures and emailed them to myself. Anyways, all is well now its working fine. Tomorrow I am going to reinstall the NetBeans packages and see if it was that or this custom splash screen that I also changed right before it stopped working. Hoping it was the splash screen so I can use NetBeans. Thanks for all the help guys,


Don’t use NetBeans :stuck_out_tongue: try eclipse instead. It’s much better IMHO.

Best regards,