Can't calibrate touchscreen

Hello. My friend asked me to help him to calibrate touchscreen on sony vaio UX490N. I had a UX and calibrated it on 10.3 and 11.0. In 11.2 everything is different. It works but I can’t reach corners of the screen.

In 10.3 for example I did next:
**1. Installed evtouch
*2. Added ***
Section “InputDevice”
Identifier “touchscreen”
Driver “evtouch”
Option “Device” “/dev/input/gunze”
Option “DeviceName” “touchscreen”
Option “MinX” “32”
Option “MaxX” “992”
Option “MinY” “38”
Option “MaxY” “968”
Option “SwapY” “0”
#Option “SwapXY” “1”
Option “ReportingMode” “Raw”
Option “Emulate3Buttons”
Option “Emulate3Timeout” “50”
Option “SendCoreEvents”
#Option “Calibrate” “1”

to xorg.conf
*3. add ***
#Touch Panel compatibility
SUBSYSTEMS==“input”, KERNEL=="event
", ATTRS{name}==“GUNZE USB Touch Panel”, SYMLINK+=“input/gunze”

to 69-touchscreen.rules

And everything worked. In 11.2 no use.

Can you help me? How can I calibrate my touchscreen in 11.2?

Thank you)

Did you try with xorg.conf file or fdi policy file?