can't boot to single user

No idea why this happens but on a couple of systems I’m unable to boot into single user, either as runlevel S or runlevel 1. This is true for the Failsafe image and the regular system image alike.

The major symptom is that it seems the initrd image is started and then the system hangs when it tries to transfer control to the inittab.

I am able to boot into the system with runlevel 2 or higher. I am also able to boot into the single-user rescue DVD image.

Anybody got any ideas on this?

Alternatively, can anyone tell me how to add the rescue DVD boot image to my secondary IDE drive so that I have a guaranteed way into the system?

anybody have any thoughts on this?

> Anybody got any ideas on this?

i know it is frustrating for you to not have a speedy answer…but,
the fact is that there really are not a lot of folks here with the
level of technical knowledge to actually help you (for example, i
can’t begin to)…

patience is a virtue when it is vacation time around the northern


I upgraded to 11.2 and have been able to make more progress. It looks like the problem is/was with the CPU microcode init script was dying for some reason; my wild guess is that the filesystem wasn’t mounted but I didn’t check.

Now my problem is that mdadm isn’t mounting the /boot partition. It’s mounting the / partiion (on another array) but segfault when trying to mount /boot. Is it worth trying to pursue this here?

eric a hall wrote:
> Now my problem is that mdadm isn’t mounting the /boot partition. It’s
> mounting the / partiion (on another array) but segfault when trying to
> mount /boot. Is it worth trying to pursue this here?

upgraded? over the badly broken system you posted about last summer,
or format and fresh installed 11.2?

and i have to wonder how you know what mdadm is doing since i’ve been
a Linux user for most of ten years and wouldn’t know a mdadm from
cherry pie…let me ask (since some many thousands have not had the
problem you describe) did you install from an md5sum checked disk
downloaded from

did you have any errors during the install?

did you install while connected to the net? and if so, did the system
download and install all software updates and then reboot?

was that first reboot successful? if not what error was thrown?

if the first boot after install was successful but now it won’t boot:
what did you do to it?
